Kai (club-teaser) Pt.1

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A/n: Haiii! Guys, little warning, this is like mature content. So if you have a problem with those kind of one-shots, please don't read on. But other than that, please enjoy ^^ (Sorry for any mistakes! I'm pretty tired.)

"Listen, you have to go to this club, ______" A person called out.

You looked to your left and spotted your Best Friend bubbly describing the new "hit" club. You
rolled your eyes at her and kept walking to your locker.

"Jieun, I have no entensions of going to a club. It will waste my time and limit my intricate study sessions." You wislefully said back.

"Ugh, why do you even have to be smart, _____" Jieun grumbled.

You laughed and ruffled her hair. Yes, you were a year younger, but your advance knowledge had provided you to skip 2 years of cruel High School education. She pouted and you closed your locker.

"Unnie, calm down. Just invite someone else. I'm sure they'll say yes." You said.

"Andwae!! It has to be you! Plus, you need a break from all this school stuff. I know you have to maintain a standard, but c'mon! One night isn't gonna kill you." She pouted.

"Jieun Unnie, I already told you I can't. This homework isn't gonna-"

"Do you want to see your poor Unnie helpless and unable to protect herlsef? Who's gonna watch over me? Will I even make it home that night? ______! There are perverts everywhere.
What am I gonna do!" She cried. She latched on your arm and started to wail.

Guilt rushed into you and you knew she was right. Your Unnie isn't the strongest person out there. Nor is she the boldest.

But you, were the badass chick that could kick ass. Unfortunantly, you were a book nerd and decided to spend your time studying. Your skills didn't fade though. They were always there when you needed them.

"Ugh, fine. Just don't expect me to dress up. I hate dresses and skirts."

"I wouldn't dream of it," She rolled her eyes. "So, I'll meet you at the front of your house, at 10:00 pm! See you later, ______!"

Jieun skipped down the halls and made a bee line to her next class. What an optimistic person she was.

Personally, you hate going to social events. It's just not your thing. It's not that your weird or anti-social. You just hate all the judgemental and stupid comments the people around you say. Why judge someone when you personally don't know them? Might as well be named, Nosey.

Your day was as normal as it could get. You just want to sleep and read some chapters before the weekend.

When you entered your house, you spotted your brother sitting on the couch eating some potato chips. You rolled your eyes and walked towards your room where you collapsed and started mumbling things to yourself.

"Yo! Dearest sister, can you make me a sandwitch? Pretty pretty please," Baekhyun asked sweetly. Lord knows he buttering you up.

"Bacon, can't you do that by yourself?" You asked annoyed.

"It's Oppa to you!"


"Are you dying? Do you need assistance?"


"Then make me a sandwitch"

"Hell no."

"Lazy head."

"Says the person who plays video games 24/7."

"Touché little sister. Touché"

Eventualy you gave in and made your brother a sandwitch and he happly smiled at you.

"Oh, there's this party thingy and you have to go." He said while chewing.

"Eww. Atleast swallow first then talk," You cried disgustingly. "And yeah I know. Did Jieun Unnie tell you?"

"Yeah. I agreed cause you're just this little anti-social human being. So, being the supportive Oppa, I called in my best friend to help you around the club."

"Is it Chanyeol Oppa," You asked bewildered. "Sorry, but no. I thought you guys were having a movie night or something?"

"Dude, we're friends. Nothing more nothing less,"

"I beg to differ," You muttered.

"Anyways, you're just gonna go and let loose for once. You're a senior now."

"I'm not gonna dress up as a slut. I hate perverts."

Baekhyun chuckled and nodded.

Friday night came in too fast and you find yourself staring in front of your mirror. You were wearing leather hight waisted shorts and a red cropped top. Your flawless dark hair was neatly curled at the ends and a bit of makeup was applied.

"______! Jieun's here." Baekhyun shouted.

"Coming!" You grabbed your purse and rushed out of the house. The sooner you get out of the house the sooner you'll get back into it.

"Bye Bacon! Bye Chanyeol Oppa!"

Both boys waved back an Baekhyun sulked as he was again called a piece of meat.

The club was packed but what did you expect? It was a popular club. There were teenagers everywhere doing different things. Some were making out, dancing, or drinking.

You knew from the start this was gonna be a boring night. But then you spotted him.

His blonde locks were styled to perfection and bounced to every hip thrust he danced. His sun kissed skin glowed against the florecence light focused on his fluid body movements. He dances so loosely and you can't help but admire his powerful figure.

He felt a burning stare and he looked up to see a casual dressed girl admiring him. Kai was flustered. This was a club. Why was she dressed as if this was a walk in the park? But nonetheless she was a girl and he winked sexily at you.

To his surprise you didn't seem affected. You only smirked and looked the other way. Your lovely figure dissapearing through the crowd.

Kai was intrigued. You were the only female to ignore his flirtatous wink. He was determined to get to know you and make you fall for him.

He spotted you sitting on the bar stool soon after he left the dance floor. It seems you weren't a drinker and opted to soda instead of an alcoholic beverage.

"Can I sit here?" Kai asked huskly.

You looked up and saw the guy that winked at you earlier. One glance and you knew he was arrogant. That walk, that stare, and the body language says it all. Let's not forget you were a genius.

"May I help you?" You grabbed your soda and took a sip while staring intently at him.

"I couldn't help but notice you admiring me earlier."

"Oh, yes. I was. Is there a problem with that?"

"Not at all."

"Perfect. If you don't mind I'll take my leave. Have a good night."

You were about to walk away when an arm grabbed your waist and pulled you closer. You find yourself staring into deep brown eyes that held more than enough emotions in them.

Annoyed, you tried to escaped his grasp. Unfortunantly he was stronger than he seems to be.

"Fine, if your gonna be like this, two can play at this game." You thought in your head.

You grabbed his shoulders, and pressed your face in the crook of his neck. You licked his sweaty neck enjoying the salty substance that dance in your tongue.

Jongine moaned as your tongue licked and bit his neck so sexily. He pulled you closer and you rubbed your hips together, earnig a delicous friction from his crotch to yours.

"Looks like someone's hard,"You teased. He was vunreable at that point and you slipped out of his grasp. "Let someone else take care of that. Bye big boy."

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