Chen (cute)

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You were a straight A student, and the head singer in the school's choir.


You turn aroud and saw Suho. He was the student council president, so he was busy.

"What's up, Oppa?"

He was panting and you couldn't help but chuckle. Suho Oppa, was always un-athletic.

"_____-ah, can you do me this huge favor? I have the new student.." you turned to peek at his side, and there he was. The new student, everyone was blabbering about. "I would do it, but I have to meet with the council members. Can you show him around?"

"Yeah, sure! Now, aren't you gonna go and head off to that meeting?" raising an eyebrow.

"Crap! Okay, thanks ____-ah! Bye Chen!" he shouted and scurried away.

Now all that's left was silence. "Hey, I'm _____, nice to meet you!"

"My name's Jongdae, but you can call me Chen."

"So, how are you enjoying the school so far?" I asked. I was curious. We try really hard, to keep this school in shape. Especially Suho Oppa.

"It's actually, pretty good." he replied. I sighed in relief.

"What activities do you plan on joining?"

"I was planning on auditioning for Selective choir, Photography, or Soccer." His eyes lit up as he said Selective Choir. Mhhm.

"Well, let's go this way to the auditorium." We entered the large stage, and Chen was amazed. I walked lighty to the stage near the piano.

"Do you have a song you want to sing?" My hands were playing with the keys, enjoyig the smooth surface.

"Uh, is Open Arms okay?" he asked. I nodded and tried to remember the keys.

As he was singing, I joined too. This has been my favorite song.

"So now I come to you, with Open Arms"

I just sang. It's been a while since i've felt this way while singing. He has an amazing voice, no doubt in that.

I didn't realize he stopped to stare at me, when I finally sang the last note. "Arms~"

We just stared at each other. There was a glint in his eyes. He came closer, closer and closer. The light was just on us too.

He grabbed me and hugged me. "Will you accept my Open Arms, ______-ah?"

a/n: (≧∇≦)
Sorry if there's some mistakes!

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