Baekhyun (Ft. Exo couples)

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The wind ruffled his hair widly. The boy, reaches up and fixes it. He smiles and then laugh. His attention towards the beautiful girl.

You sigh, and stab your Chicken-Garden salad. Why can't that girl be you? You've been remotely dazing out to Baekhyun ever since the 3rd grade. As weird and crazy as it sounds, you've watched him grow up to a handsome man. Let's not forget you two were neighboors. Making things impossible for you to not think about him. Looking up you watch as he laugh with his eyes twinkling. How you wish that was you.

Your bestfriend snaps you back to reality though.

"Look, ______, why don't you just confess? Isn't it better to confess and get it over with?" she asks. You look at her and see her worried gaze.

"As much as I want to, I can't. I'm just tooh afraid of rejection..," you reply back weakly. "Plus, look at her. She's tall, she has a perfect figure, and perfect for him. Look at me. I'm short, weird, and not that skinny." Your self-esteem slowly crumbled apart, as you espy both of them together.

Aera, your best friend, rolls her eyes at you. Ugly, you? Ha! What a joke! You were like the prettiest girl in this school. Sure you were short. But that was cute. Yes you were not skinny, but you weren't fat either. Instead of lookig like a stick, you actualy had curves. And your weird personality is your charm. It brings in people. You were the most wanted female in that school too. You were just to naïve to notice it. Aera was so sick and tired of you being hateful towards yourself.

She wanted to smack you upside the head, bur she knew where you came from. Why you were upset and too afraid. So she just sighed and felt pitiful towards you.

"So how's Lay, Aera?" you asked. Lay and Aera were the cuttiest couple ever! They've been dating for about 2 years now.

"He's fine. I think he's getting us ice cream~"


Soon enough, the 'unicorn' appeared. Handing both of you guys ice cream sandwitches.



Baekhyun watched in boredom. Sure the girl in front of him was beatiful, but he just didn't take interest in her like all the other guys. He wanted someone less perfect. A girl he can be himself with. Someone 'original'.

The girl giggled, and he smiled fakely, dying inside. What were we talking about again? Probably something that has to do with hair and makeup.

He let his eyes wonder, while pouting his lips. There were cute couples everywhere. Some were feeding each other, some were cuddling and some were even teasing their parteners. How Baekhyun wished he can have something like that.

His eyes suddenly found his Lay hyung with his girlfriend. They were laughing and teasing each other with ice cream. He laughed along with them. Baekhyun realized there was another girl with them.

He sighed for the nth time that day. You were _____. The girl he's been shamelessly loving since 2nd grade. He wished he was there making you laugh. Making your cheeks turn pink and holding your hands.


"Okay Hyung! We'll meet up at my house k?" Baekyun told his Hyungs. It was Friday, meaning crashing at his place and playing video games.

"Baekhyun-ah!" Lay shouted. The said male turned around and offered a tired smile.

"Hey Hyung"

"Is it okay if I bring Aera? I mean I don't want to leave her alone tonight. She's my little bunny and I don't want anything happening to her." Lay sighed. Wow. That was deep hyung.

Suddenly a shoe came flying to Lay's head and he let out a girly shriek.

"Yah! Zhang Yixing! Don't you dare call me a bunny!" Shin Aera yelled. Lay pouted, rubbing his sore head.

"Aww, but you're my little bunny..!" Lay wailed. Aera was hiding in embaressement and then back to arguing with her boyfriend.

"It's like they're in there own little world, huh?" a soft voice called out. He looked up and there you were.

"Y-yeah. Are they always like this?" Baekhyun stammered. You laughed, and Baekhyun swore it sounded a lot like heaven.

"All the time."

Finally coming back from the lovers quarell, they turn their attention towards Baekhyun.

"So is it okay?" Lay asked.

Baekhyun nodded and then turned to you.

"______-ah, if you want you can always come too. I mean were neighboors, right?"

You nodded, turning pink. You could hear the teasing sniggers coming from Lay and Aera. But Baekhyun ignored them. He was waiting on your reply. He wanted a 'yes'.

"Yes, that'll be cool."

Baekhyun smiled and his mood slightly brightened up.


There were shouts and pizza boxes everywhere. Cups filled with Coke and ice.

"Ha! Take that Gege!!" Tao shouted at the 'Dragon'. Tao walked up jumped on his lap.

Zitao really loved to beat his boyfriend. Yes, Tao and Kris were dating. Actually, Sehun and Luhan, Chen and Xiumin, Jongin and Kyunsoo are dating also.

Chanyeol and Suho were just the awkward single pair.

"This game, is not my style," muttered Kris. Tao giggled and kissed his cheek.

"Lulu Hyuung~x I'm tired!" Sehun wailed. His head dropping on his boyfriends shoulder.

"Sehunnie, want to get some bubble tea?" Sehun jumped up and nodded eagerly.

"Hey guys!" Aera shouted. 'Hello' was muttered along the guys. You were right behind her, listening to music.

Aera sat next to Lay, as they talked. You were mindlessly walking not bothering to look up. You tripped and fell right into a warm hard chest.

Arms were wrapped around your waist, and a sudden force was on your lips. You open you eyes and spot Baekhyun with the same expression.

Baekhyun wasn't gonna waste the oppurtunity though. He held on tighter and kissed you back. Loving the way his lips collided with yours. Like a puzzle piece molding together.


You snuggle against his warmth, enjoying every second. His arms were wrapped around you tight and securely. You gaze up and find twinkling stars.

"You know, ever since you moved next door, I've fallen in-love with you. The way you shyly hid behind your Mom, and watch me play outside." Baekhyun said out loud.

"I've always wanted to confess. But you just seemed uninterested in me. Plus, you have a lot of girls chasing your tail. I rather not be in that bunch.." you whispered.

"I want you to be though. Now we are here alone. I'd like to ask you something," he looked at you with glimering eyes. "_____-ah, will you be my girlfriend? Forever and always?


A/N: I'll leave the rest for you guys ;)

Please comment or send in a request! Thank youu~

I'm sorry if there are any errors. I didn't proof-read/edit

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