Kai- Shining Stars

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It was a cloudy day, when you and your best friend were talking in lunch. You know, the casual,"OMG, have you seen blah blah blah...". "OMG he's so hot."

You know, the cliché conversations that go in High school. Only, you two were different. Instead of gossiping about the most popular girl's attitude, you guys actually talked about school. How boring. But hey, I'm only the Author. I can't control what you guys do.

Anyways, the lunch room was filled with talk. Specifically, about the Football Game today. But being completly ignorant with your sorroundings, you missed the information, like a soccer ball missing a guys balls. Eww, okay, bad example. But you get the idea.

"Man, I really don't want to audition today!" You said dejected.

You have your band auditions today, and you were nervous as heck. Mainly because this was your very first audition, and this will decide your band position for the year. A lot rides on this audition.

"Calm down, Sunhee. You'll do fine. You're only a Sophomore, you still have 2 years to improve." You're best friend Eunhwa reasoned.

You smiled uneasily, still very nervous, but still somewhat calm from your friend. Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes memorising fingerings and tones in your head.
You sighed equally relieved that your audition was over. Your heart was still pounding but that didn't stop you from smiling.

Nothing like a prodigy-like talent was expected of you, but you were a type of person that wanted to impress. Considering you had a one-year break from tortious flute lessons, coming back into High School level band was a miracle.

A bunch of papers, fingerings, and literally terms were a hassle to get used to. But nothing with a little practice can't fix.

"Nice job, Sunhee!" Your Sunbae smiled.

Her Saxophone hung around her neck, as she took her binders out. Probably to study while she waits for Marching Band practice.

"Thanks Hwanyoung Unnie," You replied, taking your flute apart. "Sight reading was tough though."

She nodded understanding the matter. For she was once a Freshman too. "You'll get used to it, I promise."

"I hope so."

The next student to audition was a Freshman. You cheered along with the remaining people left in the band room to ease their nervousness.

After taking apart your flute, you waved good bye to your Sunbae's and headed out the exit.

Once you stepped out you spotted your friends chatting.

3:37 pm.

Another 23 minutes until the first bus arrives. Why not kill some time?

"Unnie!" You screamed at your closest friend.

"Uh?" She said confused. She turned around and brightened when she saw you.

"How was your audition?"

"Hey, at least I made it through, Sandy Unnie." You rubbed your neck.


4:02 p.m

"Damn, where is this bus?" You sighed. Waiting for the bus was SO boring. You sat on the nearest bench, plugging your head-phones into the wire jack.

"Oh, Sunhee!" A distant voice called out.

You looked up surprised at the sudden call. An excited face was in-front of you terrifying you to wits.

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