Mending What Was Broken (Kai)

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a/n: A request from Kkaamjong also known as Chynna! Hope you enjoy it, gurl ^^
2.6k words (woah)
**not edited
Warning: Angst, Cheating, Mature Themes, and Strong Language.

There comes a moment in life, where we feel as if we are in heaven. Cloud 9, if you will. The feeling just bursts in your heart, lightweight, with a breath of relief lingering in your mind.

And this feeling is triggered by nothing else but love. The most sought out feeling to mankind. Something we all crave. The heartwarming feeling of your other half so near, so close to you, that you feel their presence everywhere.

You feel complete.

But to achieve that feeling, everyone must struggle to over come the reality that comes with it. Not everyone falls in-love in such simple ways, such as a first look, nor a single touch. No, dear readers. Love, is very complicated.

Some are granted the easiest methods in falling in-love, while others are given more of a challenge to prove their worth and willingness to find their one and only.

Chynna was lucky enough to have meet her other half, at the School's pep rally. He was there, currently clad in the school's colors cheering wildly with his friends. His dark hair tousled in every direction from the ridiculous movements he was doing. His tan skin popped out from the white and gold t-shirt he had on, making him look like he was from Ancient Greece.

His name, Kim Jongin.

He was a year older than Chynna, and was on the school's dance team, drama club, and basketball team. A looked up Senior to many others. As his group of friends.

You shyly looked away, as you gazed longer than a minute, feeling embarrassed as he meet your eyes. You ignored the feeling of intense eyes on you, and payed attention to the others on the basketball court dancing.

Calm down, Chynna. It's okay. Breathe in and out.

Soon enough you forgot the feeling of someone looking at you as you paid attention to the other students. It was the day, Chynna found her soulmate. But did she realize that? No.

So, the school days continued on with the feeling of someone watching over you, every time you walked in the hallways. A shiver went up your spine, but you ignored the feeling as you walked towards Chemistry room, dragging your feet along the ground.

It was supposed to be a normal day, but was turned into a horrible encounter. As you walked at the now empty hallway, a muffled sound came through in one of hallways. Scared, you glanced around looking around you, if anyone was playing tricks on you.

The sound was heard again, and you gathered your strength to follow the distraught noise. Small steps were made, in an attempt to be quiet. The view of Jongin being held by two other guys on both his arms, and another holding his fist out, made you gasp alerting the bullies. All 4 boys, looked at you in surprise, and the Leader, chuckled.

"Run along, Chynna. This doesn't concern you." He sneered. His brown eyes narrowed dangerously.

"And doing this to Jongin obviously concerns you? You must be an idiot if you think I'll just run along, Sunbae." You replied back.

"What makes you think we'll just drop this?" One his friends said, dusting his pants before punching Jongin square at the jaw.

"Look at you, being such a coward. Beating a defenseless man while he's being held down. And you call yourself's men." You glared.

They didn't reply, but a look of rage entered their eyes and kicked Jongin one last time before walking away. Jongin grunted against the pain and tried to stand. But the digging pain in his ribs would not let him so he slumped back down.

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