Suho (Joonmyun)- Lost Child

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"Good Bye!" The little child happily giggled. Her young eyes shone bright turning into little crescents. Her Mother laughed along pulling her hand closer to her as they walked away.

"No!" You yelled. The picture was fading along with the innocent little smile, burned holes appearing on the sides ruining it.

But they continued to walk along ignoring the pleas you sent no matter how distraught you were. They crossed the sidewalk giggling, while the little child held her bag tightly. She skipped along the diagonal lines, ignorant to the cars approaching her small figure.


Everyone always told me that you don't know one's worth, until they were gone. I never really understood that. The process of knowing one's importance was always present no matter what. Like how your friends are important. You knew that now, and they weren't gone. A puzzling thing to think about, but it was so very real.

I woke up in a hospital to see a man with a mask on his face. I felt so tired. It was hard to breathe and I couldn't feel my fingers. I was lost. There was no color in my mind anymore. Everything was a dull gray.

What happened?

"______, can you hear me?" The man, I'm assuming is the Doctor, asked.

I blinked up at him, wanting to answer, but no sound came up. I tried again, but the same result came. I looked around the room and tried to grasp what the hell happened, but I had nothing.

I tried to speak to the Doctor desperate for answers, but a gasping sound was all I could emit. I was sure I looked like a gapping fish, but that was how I felt.

Everything was cold. Cold and dark. Who am I?

"You are _____. 21 years old, admitted in the hospital for 3 years in a coma. You are from Seoul, graduating as Valedictorian, and-"

I glared at the lady telling me my life story. She paused but continued to blurt out my past.

"- engaged to-"

Again, I glared at her with annoyance. I was sprawled in my bed, leaning towards the wall a blanket around my legs. White was the main theme of the room, making me want to vomit.

"Kim Joonmyun." She finally finished. I rolled my eyes and stared blankly at wall.

It's been 3 weeks since I apparently woke up, and yet all I got as a welcoming was a dose of reality. How calming. There was a Nurse that comes in everyday to tell me the same boring crap about who I used to be. I don't care anymore.

Who I was before was gone. All that was left is a person, useless space, that is a literal blank mind. The funny thing was that I don't mind what happened to me. I don't mind not knowing. Because if I knew, I would break.

I came from an elite family and a family that was the richest in all of South Korea. They had told me that the minute I awoken and continued to lay out the facts.

They wanted to tell me more, but I lashed out the minute their mouths opened. Then I woke up again looking at the same blank white ceiling I've become used to.

______ Lee. The girl who was dead for 3 years, and was forgotten. The apparent fiancé of Kim Joonmyun.

Even that sounds crazy. Who the hell cares anymore. If I was so famous and rich, where were they now? Did they care about the lost child?


Otherwise they wouldn't be celebrating with smiles about their adopted daughter on the T.V.


"Darling, how are you? Oh god, we missed you."

I didn't respond. I didn't want to. The greeting laid in the air for what seemed like forever. I just sat there looking at the blank wall in front of me.

The sound of movement echoed in the room, but again, I didn't care. Because this lady, that entered my room, was my apparent Mother. The Mother that pretended to be sad that her daughter was gone and all the wealth under her name would go to her.

Funny how I found that out.

She moved closer to me, she brushed my hair, and I stayed still. I wanted her gone from my sight. She hugged me tightly and I passively stared at the hands on me.


"I love you, darling. Please don't forget that."

"But I already did."

She gasped and I looked at her straight in eyes. Right behind her were cameras and paparazzi's taking pictures. I must be so dead inside to not hear them.

"Tell me Mother," I spat. "How long did it take you to visit me?"

"D-darling, what are you talking about? I visit you everyday." She stuttered trying to compose herself.

"Funny how one person can change when there are cameras around. Get out."

"No. ____, you're just tired. Please go to sleep. You're talking rubbish. You know I was here every single day to tuck you in."

The sound of clicking was loud and I glared at the paparazzi.

"I said get out. Or are you too deaf in my wealth to hear that?"

She paled in response grabbing her Gucci purse and hastily walked out my room. The clicking noise of her heels getting quieter and quieter. The door was still open, and I stood up.

After a year of recovery, I was able to stand on my own. Both mentally and physically.

"I am ____ Lee. The lost daughter of the late Souhyun Lee. Now please, get out."


The air was fresh and the smell of the bakery was evident. I smiled and rushed towards the small shop in excitement. I can't wait to get my favorite sponge cake.

"Excuse me, ______?"

"Ah, yes?" I responded.

There stood a man in his mid twenties holding a cup of coffee. I blinked when he didn't respond, and I bowed in apology as I had to leave.

Weird. He seemed familiar. Oh well. There was no time to waste when sponge cakes were waiting for me.

Then I remembered. Those eyes. I stopped. I turned around, and stared at the man who called my name.



I nodded with tears in my eyes and ran into his arms. They felt so much like the ones I left 4 years ago.

4 years ago, when you and your child were walking away from your fiancé, from a lunch date. And when your child dragged you the road and when you were hit. When she died but you were close to dying. Your Mother who always hated you because you ran off and became the pregnant heir to a company at age 19. And to when you remembered by watching a little girl cross the street.

Your life was destroyed. The pieces still being glued together, but you didn't care. Because crying in your husbands arm about your daughter, and him holding you tight, whispering soft words, was all the mattered.

a/n: Did I confuse you? Because I confused myself 😂 I have no idea what just happened. This was crappy. Am I loosing my touch? OMG GUYSS. Bleh, help. This is like the most I've written, and while it's still crappy and rushed, I hoped you enjoyed it and gave you feels. lol

Drafted: 1/14/15 Published: 6/15/15

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