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Nicomaine stood quietly on the side, observing the interaction between the two men. The stranger projected the same aura as the other three men in the room. Powerful and intimidating. But Nicomaine saw the softening of both the stranger and Richard's faces when they both laid eyes on each other. And that hug they just exchanged? It looked like a hug of relief and familiarity. If I'm not mistaken, these two men are related. Brothers perhaps? Hhhmmm. Interesting!

The stranger did a thorough sweep around the room and once his eyes settled on Nicomaine, he looked her up and down as if investigating a priced cattle that he was about to purchase. Nicomaine was at the point of protesting (violently, I might add) when her eyes met the stranger's.

"Are you done?" Nicomaine challenged while placing her arms akimbo and raising her right eyebrow. Her intention was to intimidate the stranger at the most or show him that she's not helpless at the least. However, she actually ended up looking quite comical because of the bulk in front of her from the baby carrier and her ever trusted backpack on her back.

Clearly though, from the stranger's reaction, he wasn't used to being challenged that way. For a split second, there was disbelief in his eyes but then he started to smile and then proceeded to let out a booming heartfelt laugh. A laugh that broke the silence in the room and which in turn woke up the baby.

Nicomaine instantly wrapped her arms around her baby, started rubbing the baby's back in a soothing motion and swaying her body back and forth at the same time.

"What the fuck is so funny?" Nicomaine demanded since this other asshole in the room seemed to be having tons of fun at her expense.

It took a few moments before the stranger can finally regain control of himself. Once he did, he turned to Richard.

"Is this your wife RJ?" Asked the stranger, his words dripping in disbelief. As if someone like Nicomaine would never amount up to Richard's standards.

"Daniel..." Richard began but was cut off short by Nicomaine's cold as ice voice.

"So what if I am?"

"Maine..." Richard tried to speak but once again cut off by his pretend wife.

"NO! No. I'm asking this asshole right here. So what if I am his wife? Is there a problem?"

Nicomaine was so worked up that she didn't notice the visible cringing of Richard at her clear reference of the word asshole. She failed to see that Mr. Jones and Mr. Smith both turned their backs, trying to cover up their laughters with a cough.

Once again, much to Nicomaine's irritation, the stranger called Daniel, started laughing so loud again!

"Will you tone it down! You are waking the baby! And answer my question for crying out loud!" Nicomaine demanded in an irritated whisper.

"I'm sorry....I'm sorry...." Daniel apologized in between laughter while waving his hand back and forth.

"Well I'm glad I can entertain you!" Nicomaine replied, her words dripping with sarcasm and her eyes turned into slits. If looks could kill, the laughing man would be on the floor covered in blood by now.

Richard can see how Nicomaine was turning quite angry, her posture on the defensive and her face turning beet red, almost purple really. So, he stood up and placed himself in between the two.

"Maine. Look at me" Richard uttered in a low voice and waited till Nicomaine lifted her head up to look him in the eye. "Listen. Don't mind him. He's just being an asshole, as you so eloquently put earlier" he added while placing his hand behind Nicomaine's lower back in reassurance. At first, he felt her back tense from his touch but he immediately moved his fingers to create soothing circles and gradually, he felt her relax.

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