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It was Richard Sr. who recovered first from Angela's question. Everyone else in the room, including Richard, were speechless.

"Angela, ce n'est pas une bonne chose à dire chérie [that is not a nice thing to say sweetheart]."

"Pourquoi Dad? Je veux juste savoir [Why Dad? I just want to know]."

"Oui, je sais, mais nous n'avons rencontré que Nicomaine aujourd'hui. Nous ne voulons pas qu'elle pense que nous sommes des gens grossiers, n'est-ce pas? [Yes I know but we've only met Nicomaine today. We don't want her to think we're rude people, right?]" Richard Sr. remarked nonchalantly, as if he's talking about the weather.

"No, Dad. We're nice people. I'm sorry Nicomaine. Please accept my apologies for what I said earlier" Angela stated, looking at the older woman in front of her.

But then, to everyone's surprise, Nicomaine knelt in front of Angela and smiled. "It's ok Angela. Mais voudriez-vous que je réponde à votre question [But would you like me to answer your question]?"

Angela's look at Nicomaine never wavered. It was steady, as if she's trying to decipher if the older woman was playing with her. She remained silent for a minute or two, her eyes darting from the other people in the room back to Nicomaine. Finally, she gave a subtle nod.

"Well. I don't really know who Elizabeth is but if she was the one that hurt your Kuya RJ then I already don't like her. And I will never do what she did. Mais un jour, nous allons nous asseoir et vous me direz tout sur elle, est-ce d'accord? [But, one day, we will sit down and you will tell me all about her, agreed?]" then Nicomaine extended her hand for a handshake.

Angela looked down at the extended hand as if trying to make a decision, then after a few seconds passed, she reached out and shook it. After that, she turned around and walked out of the kitchen, humming a tune, as if nothing happened. Only then did the rest of the occupants in the room let out a sigh of relief.

Rosalia looked at Nicomaine through a brand new light after that. Even though they've just met, her maternal instinct already felt at ease with the younger woman. Everyone who's met Angela for the first time tend to dismiss her questions as being childish. But not Nicomaine. She handled Angela's question with ease and grace, levelling with the young girl as if she's an adult.

Richard Sr. watched the exchange between Nicomaine and Angela, expecting an outburst from his youngest child. Yet, much to his surprise, the two shook hands as if sealing a business deal. His gaze landed on his wife to witness the smile of appreciation that blossomed on her lips while watching Angela walk away.

"Please don't mind my sister. Well actually, you should get used to her asking those type of questions. She's very intuitive" Riz stated apologetically but with a hint of pride in her voice.

"I don't mind it at all. I think it's refreshing that someone as young as her can ask what she's thinking. I used to be like that. Then the world tainted my thinking" Nicomaine answered honestly.

"She's very forthright and also very observant" Richard remarked. "Thank you for what you did" he added as he wrapped his arms around Nicomaine's waist.

"Well! Now that the introductions and awkwardness are out of the way, what is that divine smell?" Richard Sr. stated, as he headed towards the stove.

"Mom, Dad. Sit down. Mamita cooked her arroz con pollo. I'll just warm it up" Richard remarked.

"I'll help you" Nicomaine readily offered.

"I'll get the bowls ready" Riz volunteered at the same time.

Then a comfortable silence descended in the kitchen as the older couple sat down and the younger  three got busy serving. The food was consumed in silence as well. Since Nicomaine and Richard already ate, they were the servers while Riz, Rosalia and Richard ate. 


After the three finished eating, the kitchen cleaned and the dirty dishes put away, Rosalia looked around her as if remembering something.

"By the way, where is Elvira?"

"Oh yeah. Where is Mamita, Kuya?" Riz asked as well.

"And I heard that Lucy is here as well. Where are those two?" Richard Sr. queried.

"They're both upstairs..." Richard began but then his mother interrupted him.

"What are they doing upstairs?" You know what, never mind. Knowing Elvira, she's probably scrubbing the bathroom floor or something. You know, everytime I come here, I tell her not to act as if she's a servant. But does that woman listen? Nope. She still does what she wants. She sometimes makes me so mad. Anyway, anak. I need to freshen up. It's been a long flight. And the drive here wasn't too smooth because of the snow outside." Rosalia finished.

"Mom, I haven't checked the guest house if it's supplied. I didn't know you were coming" Richard mumbled.

"It's okay anak. I asked your Kuya Daniel to make sure it's supplied when he called me yesterday" Rosalia explained. "Clarizza anak, are you staying with us at the guest house or are you staying here?"

"I'm not staying here with these two lovebirds! Have you not seen what they were doing when we walked in on them earlier?" Riz blurted out.

Nicomaine turned beet red at that statement. She almost forgot that incident. After everything that happened, she had hoped everyone else did too. But boy, she was wrong!

"Clarizza Rose Faulkerson! Don't be rude!"
Rosalia reprimanded her daughter.

"I'm sorry. That was uncalled for" Riz stated apologetically, also turning red from being scolded. "What I meant to say was, yes I will be joining you in the guest house, mother" she added with a hint off sarcasm.

Richard couldn't help but laugh at his sister's antics. "God, I miss you all so much. Especially you and your big mouth Riz" he blurted in between laughter.

"Richard! Don't encourage her" their mother remarked while putting on her best disciplinarian face which in turn made her children laugh all the more.

Nicomaine, for her part, couldn't help joining in on the laughter. She should be embarrassed but how could she? Because if the situation was reversed and she walked in on one of her siblings, making out, just like she and Richard were doing earlier, she would hold it over their heads as well. Much like what Riz is doing now. So yeah, it is quite funny actually. Even if she was a part of the punchline. It wasn't long before the parents joined in on the laughter as well.

All five moved from the kitchen to the foyer, still laughing. Once there, Rosalia looked up the staircase and yelled.

"ELVIRA! ELVIE! Ven aquí y muestra tu cara vieja [Come down here and show your old face]."

"Mom, Mom. She's busy attending to..." Richard began but once again got interrupted when Charmaine's piercing cry echoed through the house.

Everyone remained where they were as if they've heard a ghost. Not one moved, except for Nicomaine of course. As soon as she heard Charmaine cry, she mumbled 'excuse me' under her breath and she bolted up the stairs, not realizing the look of shock on Rosalia, Richard Sr. and Riz's faces.

Then Angela came running out of the library, only to stop when she saw her parents, her brother and her sister standing in the foyer.

"Was that a baby I heard? There's a baby in the house? Who's baby is that?"

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