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Warning: Strong, suggestive and sexual language used. Thank you!


Nicomaine flew up from the bed and was instantly in front of Richard, lifting his shirt up to inspect what was underneath.

"Oh god! This is all my fault! If I didn't sit on you, this wouldn't have happened. Now you're bleeding! And your poor shirt is ruined!"

"Yeah cause my shirt is our main concern right now" Richard replied with a huff.

"Stop with the sarcasm Mr. Faulkerson" Nicomaine began haughtily. "Why don't you sit your ass on the bed and let me take a closer look" she ended as she pulled Richard closer to the edge of the bed. Once she was sure that he could sit down without sliding to the floor, she pushed him, none too gently.

"Ouch! Damn woman! Can you take it a little easier on me. I'm bleeding here for fucks sake!"

"Oh sorry" Nicomaine mumbled, "your highness" she added under her breath.

"I heard that."

"Okay, again I'm sorry" Nicomaine contritely mumbled. "But enough of that! Sit your ass down and tell me where you keep a first aid kit. Do you even have a first aid kit? Or do you just stick a chewed up gum in the hole and be done with it?"

"What the?!? We are not savages you know. Despite what we may present ourselves." Richard answered with a shake of his head. However, the sudden movement of his head made everything around him spin so he slowly lied down on the bed, trying really hard not to look like a weak idiot but Nicomaine was looking at him with a really concerned expression on her face.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little tired from the excitement (this he said with a wink and a wave of his hand) and probably the loss of blood" Richard answered, deliberately making his voice weaker. And from the look that passed on Maine's face, it seemed to have worked.

"Oh god! Should we take you to the hospital? That looks like a lot of blood!" Nicomaine stated, clearly starting to panic. Shit! His face is even paler than before! What the hell should I do? "Where is your brother? We need to take you to the emergency room?"

"No, there's no need. Just replace the dressing for now and if the bleeding doesn't stop, then we can talk about going to the ER."

"I don't know..."

"Maine. Please" Richard pleaded.

Looking at Richard, Nicomaine knew that he definitely needs medical attention but what was she to do? Drag his ass to the hospital? Bottom line is he doesn't want to go so I guess I have no choice but to tend to him myself. Fuck my life!

"Fine. Where is your first aid kit?" Nicomaine reluctantly gave in.

"Under the sink, in the bathroom."

"Okay. Where is the bathroom?"

"Second door to your right."

Nicomaine ran to open the said door. As she stepped inside, she did a quick scan of the bathroom. Mainly to look for any threats (force of habit) but as she scanned the inside of the bathroom, she couldn't help but give out a low whistle. The bathroom speaks of money. Lots of it. But she didn't have time to dwell on that because she heard a groan coming from the man on the bed. She quickly took the first aid kit from under the sink and ran back to the bedside. When she got there, Richard's eyes were closed and there were tired lines visible around the corners of his eyes. His lips were set in a straight line as if trying to hold back a groan.

"Here, let's take this off" Nicomaine remarked as she tried to take the bloodied shirt off, but then Richard seemed to be in more pain when she did. So, as a last resort, she grabbed the ends with her hands and ripped the damn fabric right in the middle.

"Holy shit! I like what you're planning....wife" Richard teasingly mumbled.

"Oh shut your mouth! I need to concentrate on the task at hand." Because holy cow! His abs are perfect. Damn! His pecs are so well defined and that v indentation on both sides of his hips?!? Shit! Concentrate Nicomaine! CONCENTRATE!

Nicomaine proceeded to peel off the bloody dressing and went on to clean the wound and its surrounding areas with the antiseptic included in the kit.

Richard watched Maine with half lidded eyes as she changed the dressing to his chest. He doesn't know why, but he seemed to be drawn to this mystery woman. The way she furrowed her brows and bit her lower lip in concentration? That's fuckin sexy! She's sexy! Faulkerson! Reign it in boy! She's a stranger for crying out loud! Albeit a sexy one, but a stranger nonetheless. And her baby is just a month old, you pervert! Sheesh!

"Well, it looks like luck is on your side Mr. Faulkerson."

"Hhhmmm what?!? What was that?" Richard asked since he seemed to have blanked out for a minute. Pay attention you idiot!

"I said, it looks like luck is on your side. The bleeding had stopped. I'll just replace the dressing and you'll be good as new."

"I'm definitely good as new from the way my jeans are starting to get uncomfortable" Richard mumbled under his breath.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"Oh nothing! I mean I said thank you" Richard quickly replied while adjusting his hips to alleviate the pain/pleasure he's starting to feel between his legs. Fuck my life!

Nicomaine continued to place a fresh dressing on the wound, blissfully unaware of the physical struggle that Richard was going through. Her mouth an inch away from his nipples and her breath fanning his skin. Until finally, she straightened herself to look down at her handiwork. That's when she noticed Richard's shallow breaths and his nipples that were now hard as ice. Her eyes instantly flew up to meet his and she was shocked at what she saw there. Because Richard was looking right at her with the most lustful expression she had ever seen. She should've been afraid. She should've ran! BUT she didn't! Instead, she stood there and met his look with a matching one of her own.

Richard stared at Maine and was quite surprised to see that she wasn't running for the hills. When he was sure that she understood what he wanted to convey, he lowered his eyes to his lips. Her full lips that were still swollen from the kissing they did earlier. She responded by biting the damn thing! His eyes moved lower to her long graceful neck. She swallowed. He looked lower still till his gaze landed on her breasts. And she tightened in response! Her nipples poked through her bra and through the thin shirt she was wearing. Poked through as if announcing its presence. And Richard's body reacted. His cock hardened like marble making the jeans he was wearing very uncomfortable.

"Come here" Richard finally commanded. His voice low and guttural.

And Nicomaine, like a stupid puppet, bent at the waist to bring her face closer to Richard.

As their lips were about to meet, the bedroom door flew open, and there stood Daniel! With a crying baby in his arms!

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