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Warning: Rated 18A for strong and sexual content. Please heed the warning. Thank you!


"Shit! Maine...I'm only a man. You said so yourself, I'm not superman" Richard mumbled in between breaths, trying to keep his sanity in check.

"Hhhmmmm" was the only response he got from the woman standing in front of him.

Nicomaine looked at Richard's ripped shirt with her head tilted to the side and a thoughtful expression on her face. She bit her lower lip as she admired her handiwork. Then, the next instant, she traced the ripped opening with the nail of her index finger. Starting from the neck, lower..then lower still until she reached the part where the skin was covered with jeans, leaving a red mark behind. She heard Richard let out a hiss and a whistle as she stopped right in that area. She looked up to be met by the most piercing, dilated hazel eyes she's ever laid her eyes on. They were so dark, they looked like they were almost black.

"Maine. I swear if you keep this up, I won't be able to stop" Richard stated in a guttural tone.

Nicomaine licked her lips once, twice and as she did so again the third time, she looked down to where her finger was and deliberately hooked it inside Richard's jeans. Another hiss and an audible swallow could be heard coming from the man in front of her.

"Do you want me to stop?"

"NO! YES! Wait...fuck no! I...shit...I can't think straight! Fuck!"

"Oooppsss" Nicomaine squeaked as she popped the jean button with her finger. "What have I done" she stated with an evil smile.

"Maine! I swear to whoever that is holy, if you keep this up, you might regret it."

"Well. If you put it that way then I might as well..." Nicomaine retorted as she snaked her hand inside Richard's pants and cupped his bare cock in her hands.

"Fuuuucccckkkk" was all that came out of Richard's mouth.

"Hhhhmmm. Captain Canada doesn't wear underpants? I like it" Nicomaine commented while gripping Richard's shaft and pumping it once, twice, three times. "But holy shitballs! You're huge! And it feels like it's getting bigger!"

"Thank you?" Smooth Faulkerson. NOT! What the fuck am I to say to that? "Wait...No! Stop! Please stop! Oh God help me. Maine please enough. ENOUGH!!" Richard exclaimed a little too forcefully as he pulled Maine's hand out of his pants. "Please. I can't....what the fuck are you doing" he asked as Maine slowly backed away from him and leaned back on the bathroom counter. Much to Richard's surprise, she started taking her shirt off. Wait...what the fuck?!?

Nicomaine wasn't even sure herself how she became this bold, this brazen. Sure, she might be drunk as a skunk but damn it all! She just wants a little comfort. A little, well from what she felt in her hands, a lot of human contact. It's been a while since she's been kissed as if she's the most beautiful girl. A long while since she's had physical contact with the opposite sex. And from what I've been through, I think a deserve it! So, without thinking too much, she took her shirt off as if she's done it numerous times before. As she pulled her shirt, the tie to her bun came with it which resulted in her hair tumbling down messily. She shook her head with the intent of looking sexy but since she was drunk, she ended up almost falling face first on the marble floor if it wasn't for Richard's quick reflexes.

"Captain Canada...*giggle*... to my rescue once more" she murmured. "You sir are my GI knight in..." she didn't get to finish her sentence as Richard, this time, captured her mouth in a demanding kiss while he lifted her off the ground and deposited her ass on the spacious counter.

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