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Nothing was said after Nicomaine's statement. Because honestly, what was there left to say. What she said was true. They were all thinking it but she was the one brave enough to say it out loud.

"You two know it's true. It's unavoidable. Each and everyone of you are what's standing between that reward and my death. Castro's men are now doubly motivated to find me" Nicomaine remarked, her voice unmistakably shaking as the gravity of her situation finally hit her. She tightened her hold on the baby in her arms, as if doing so will prevent any untoward things from happening. As if she can stop the world from turning, the time from passing and keep those people from hurting the fragile being in her arms.

Richard swiftly stepped back and without saying anything, he engulfed Maine and Charmaine in his arms, offering comfort and strength. Maine stiffened at first but after a few seconds, she relaxed and leaned onto Richard's protective embrace, accepting what he had to offer. Richard let out an audible sigh of relief after feeling Nicomaine's body soften. He didn't think he was preparing his mind and body for her rejection till she actually moulded her body to his.

"Maine, listen to me. I will never let anything happen to you. To both of you. I promise you that. If there is one thing in this world that you should believe, believe in me" Richard vowed, tightening his hold for emphasis.

"Richard, why? Why are you doing this? What do you have to gain by helping me? I know it's not because of money. I can see that with my own eyes. I don't know what I have to offer for this sacrifice. If I even have anything to offer anymore."

"Nicomaine, love. I have my own reasons and I'd rather not talk about them now. All I ask is that you trust me. Trust me and my brother. We will protect you and Charmaine" Richard answered while making soothing circular motions with his hand on Maine's back.

"I wish you'd tell me now. It's one more thing for me to worry about."

"Just don't worry about it. It's as simple as that. Take it out of your mind, for now" Richard remarked with a tentative smile.

Nicomaine looked directly into Richard's eyes to witness the honesty and sincerity written on them. There was uncertainty as well. For what, she doesn't know. She was about to ask but she got interrupted.

"Ohhhhkay! As much as I would like to stand here and watch you two whisper amongst yourselves, may I remind you that there are people waiting for us downstairs. Well, waiting for you. And I've already glimpsed Angela's head the third time. I assure you, she'll be climbing the stairs pretty soon if we wait for the fourth time" Daniel warned.

"Are you ready?" Richard asked Nicomaine.

"Yeah. Are you?"

"Yap! Ready when you are" Richard answered.

"Well that's good! Now that we've established that we're all ready, let's get going then" Daniel stated loudly while clapping his hands for emphasis. He turned and started going down the stairs. Richard and Nicomaine followed close behind. Richard's arms were around Nicomaine's shoulders while she was cradling Charmaine in her arms. To an outsider, they loooked like a one solid family unit.


Angela was about to step out of the library when Daniel walked in followed by Richard and Nicomaine. As soon as Angela saw the baby, she started dancing on her toes impatiently.

"Well, family.... meet our daughter, Charmaine" Richard introduced.

There was a moment of complete silence after that. Rosalia and Richard Sr. both slowly stood up, not taking their eyes off of the baby. Riz remained sitting on the couch but she was clasping and unclasping her hands, which was a sure sign of her nervousness. Elvira and Lucy were nowhere to be found.

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