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The naked winter trees lined the street, droplets of water frozen on their branches. Her breath rises in visible puffs to join the darkened clouded night sky. There is a freezing chill in the air that brings crispness to the leaves, bejewelled with frost, that crunch underfoot. Rosy cheeked, she stamped to keep warm, pulling her woollen hat over her reddened ears and tightening her scarf over her blue-tinged lips. Teeth chattering and the cold seeping into her gloves, numbing her fingers until they cease to bend properly, stiffened and frigid. The coldness of the night seeped through the pile of clothes that she was wearing. She adjusted the weight in front of her, making sure that it's covered, peering down to check if it's still sleeping.

Though the winter had been long, the first signs of spring grew boldly, as if commanding the warm weather to come all the faster. It was as if the teeth of winter had shattered and the kiss of a new season approached. She breathed in deeply, so wanting the pretty flowers and blossoms that she could almost smell the promise of their fragrance. Just to imagine the change of season relaxed her and she walked down the small side street, pretending that everything was well. That the last 30 days just didn't happen. That she didn't just abandon her old life and that everything was all a bad dream. No, a nightmare! That she would wake up one morning and her life would be as it used to be.

To a bystander, she looked like a regular pedestrian, just strolling down the street. Her disguise seemingly effective. The heavy backpack and the rounded weight in front of her was enough to make her look like she was 3 times her actual size. Disguising the fact that underneath all that bulk, is a petite 5'4" 120 lbs frame, with the face of an angel and the body of a goddess. No one could see that she was protectively holding the covered weight in front of her, scared that someone might take it away. Her back tensed and her steps measured. Her eyes darting from left to right, making sure that she wasn't being followed or that nobody will notice her. Hoping that she will remain unnoticed until she gets to the last cart of the freight train that she's been watching for the last 2 hours.

The last 30 days have been such a harrowing experience for her. She had never done this in her 28 years of living. To run from one city to another, surviving on the small amount of cash she managed to withdraw before this whole mess started. Sleeping on cheap motels and surviving on one fast food meal a day because she needed to feed another being first. But most of all, her priorities have totally shifted. She was used to taking care of herself and herself alone. But now, another being needed her more.

Suddenly, the freight train started moving which prompted her to start running to keep up. She aimed her steps at the very last cart. As she was about to reach for the cart handle, she noticed the two men running towards her. Her steps faltered out of pure shock and fear. How the hell did they find me? I covered my tracks well. Fuck! At the same time, the bundle in front of her started squirming which just means one thing; that it's going to start screaming soon.

As she detected the two men coming closer and closer, she regained the needed energy to run faster and as she was about to reach for the cart handle again, she heard the unmistakable sound of gunfire! If she wasn't already running for her life, she would've looked behind her to search for where the sound came from. But she knew! She knew that the gunshots were aimed at her. People started screaming and the train started gaining momentum which prompted her to run faster. If she doesn't get her ass up inside that cart soon, then she might as well be dead.

She saw the two men moving closer to her, their long legs shortening the distance and their gun aimed in her direction. She reached up, gripped the cart door handle and was about to haul herself up onto the moving train, when a hand came out of nowhere and pulled her up easily into the cart.

BUT! In the process of her being hauled up, gunfire erupted. She could hear the bullets pinging and bouncing on the freight trains' frame. She thought she heard the owner of the hand hauling her up grunt but his grip on her never wavered so she figured she was just hearing things.

As soon as her feet touched the cart floor, she automatically went into her protective position; curving her body around the bulk in front of her and scampering into the darkened corner, making sure that she was covered in total darkness. She pulled the switch knife from her pocket and expertly flicked her hands to expose the blade, aiming it towards the other occupant of the cart. Her hands were steady and she forcefully regulated her breathing. Although deep inside, her heart was thudding out of her chest and she was sending silent prayers that the two men chasing her wouldn't be able to keep up with the train. In her mind, even if this guy was one of them, she stood a better chance of defeating one than the three combined.

She braced herself because the train has now gained its full speed. She breathed a sigh of relief as she realized that the two men earlier wasn't able to get on the train. Then she watched warily as the other person in the cart slowly advanced towards her. She couldn't see his face clearly because his hoodie covered the upper half of his face and his beard covered the bottom part. She could clearly see his bulk underneath his clothing though. Wide shoulders, tapered waist and long legs. As he was almost within an arms length away, the silence between them was shattered with the screaming of the bundle in front of her. And as she was about to look down the man in front of her fell flat on his back. That's when she saw the burgeoning red stain on his left chest area, covering the whiteness of his shirt.

From where she was standing, she could clearly see the bullet hole from where all the blood was pouring out!

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