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Richard Faulkerson Sr. rarely speaks up, but when he does, everyone better listen. He is a man who fought his way from severe poverty to the riches he and his family are enjoying now. He poured blood, sweat and tears to reach where he is. Life hasn't been easy for him growing up so he made sure that his children will never have to live the life he's lived. Till now, he never takes anything for granted. A single penny to him is as precious as a million dollars. A single grain of rice is as important as a single ounce of caviar.

He raised his children with the principle of respect. Respect for all things. Not just what you have, but also what you don't have. Admittedly sometimes, he gets carried away. And that's where his wife comes in. He is a tough man, toughest in fact, but when it comes to his wife and his children, he is a softie at heart. But his kids doesn't need to know that. That's why, up till now, even as three of them are now grown adults, each have a career and a life of their own, they all still cower in fear when he lays his foot down. They could disobey him, but they never tried.

Well, except for that one time with RJ and Elizabeth! That was the only time that his second son didn't listen to him. And now look where it got him. He watched RJ almost destroy his life because of that woman. And there was nothing he could do about it. Because RJ needed to work through it on his own. All they could do was be there for him when he needed them. When RJ disappeared off the face of the earth over a year ago, his paternal instinct wanted him to search for his son, but he didn't. It killed him slowly yet he kept his faith; that his son will come back on his own. That was a dark time for the whole clan.

His wife and him have always emphasized the importance of family. That money and other material things could easily be replaced, but there is only one family. Richard Sr. have a lot of workers working for him in his own ranch and he considers them all family. And in his family, they defend their own.

That being said, yes, Elvira, Lucy even Smith and Jones are family to him. They all work for RJ but they are family still. Daniel and his employees? Yes, you got it right! They're family too. Clarizza and her employees? Yes, family!

So for a man such as Richard Faulkerson Sr., if you hurt his family, be prepared to suffer the consequences.


Daniel readily obeyed his father. For all of his outward machismo, he is terrified of his old man. One word from his father and like an obedient dog, he follows. No questions asked.

Richard led the way to his office, with Nicho behind him and Richard Sr. flanking the end. The ominous banging of the door as it closed signaled the start of the supposed interrogation.

Richard indicated the vacant seat for Nicho to sit on while his father took the recliner chair in the corner. As Richard sat down on the chair behind the desk, the feeling of nostalgia came over him like a flood. He used to sit here, right on this very chair, as he checked his accounting books with his then wife, Liz. They used to be a team. A solid couple. He used to think she was it. That there would be no one else. But boy, oh boy! He was soooo wrong.

And just like that, his thoughts went straight to Nicomaine. His Maine. He honestly thought he was in love with Liz before, but then as he sat there in front of Nicho and his father, he realized that he didn't know what being in love was. Until he met Maine. This feeling of needing to see her and touch her all the time. Even if she was within proximity, the need to be close to her bites at his ass until he follows it to its source. Right beside Maine.

As he looked at his father and Maine's brother in front of him, he realized that his concentration had vanished. Poof! Gone! As if his whole being just left, looking for something or someone. He could credit it to the adrenalin that is still pumping through his system. It is a well known fact that soldiers (or law enforcement officials) after a battle or gunfight, have leftover adrenaline that they need to expend somewhere else. Some choose to go for a rigorous workout, some go drinking, and a good number of them would expend the excess energy by having rigorous sex. But who the fuck am I kidding?

Richard looked at Nicho, who seemed to be content just sitting there, waiting for someone to start. Then Richard's gaze moved to his father, who again, like Nicho, just patiently waiting. Meanwhile, here's Richard, who is trying really hard to sit still even if he badly wants, no..needs to be somewhere else. And just like the fates were on his side, his phone rang, disturbing the tense silence.

"Yeah." Richard answered. He listened to whoever was on the other end, giving grunts and nods, and then hang up. "That was Daniel. He said that Smith just got a flesh wound. They're walking to the infirmary right now and will be back as soon as they can" he imparted to the other two in the room.

"Well, if that's the case, then we might as well wait for them. No sense in telling a story twice. As of right now, I don't know about you but this old man had a little bit of excitement and I would like to see my wife" Richard Sr. exclaimed as he headed for the door.

"Dammit Dad! I didn't need to hear that!" Richard complained, visibly cringing.

"Quelle? Est-ce mauvais que je veux voir votre mère [What? Is it bad that I want to see your mother?]" Richard Sr. protested.

"Peu importe Dad! Juste aller. Je vous appellerai plus tard quand nous serons tous ici [Never mind Dad! Just go. I'll call you later when we're all here.]" Richard stated.

"For all I know, you want to see your wife too" Richard Sr. remarked over his shoulder before he left.

Richard had to shake his head at that. Sometimes, his father and brother are the bane of his existence! He turned to look at Nicho, who by now is wearing his thunderous expression once more. The big brother is back! Shit!

But like the gracious host that he was, Richard cleared his throat and smiled.

"Why don't we head over to the library for now. I'll pour you a drink. You look like you could use a drink."

"So now, I look like an alcoholic?" Nicho growled.

"I didn't mean that and you know it."

"Fine! But, I would like to talk to my sister as well. If that's okay with you" the last Nicho stated with dripping sarcasm.

"Of course." Was all Richard could say. Honestly, he can't really say no to the guy. He would probably, no definitely, be feeling the same if Riz was in Maine's shoes right now. "Follow me" he added as he lead the way to the library.

Once there, Richard looked around and Maine was nowhere to be found. Charmaine too. Riz and Angel were both on their phones, his parents were sitting on the couch with a glass of wine on each of their hand. Elvira and Lucy seemed to be tidying up the room. Richard had to clear his throat loud enough to catch everyone's attention.

"Oh hello. You must be Nicho! Come and sit. I'll get you a drink. What would you like?" Elvira greeted.

"Uuuhhh a scotch on the rocks please, if you have it" Nicho replied as he let himself be pulled into the bar section.

"Where's Maine?" Richard asked to no one in particular.

"She took Charmaine upstairs to feed and put her down for a nap" answered Lucy.

Richard automatically turned on his heel to leave but before he could take the first step, he heard Nicho say...

"I want to talk to my sister, Colonel. I know she's your wife but she is still my younger sister. Please don't take too long" Nicho called out.

What the fuck does he mean by that?

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