Imagine #11- Hide and Seek (Peter Pan)

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“Three…two…one…come out, come out wherever you are!” I say and uncover my hands from my eyes. I peer around the campsite to see no one. Pan loved his games, and always won.

“Darn it Peter!” I groan, searching high and low. He was mysterious, I’d give him that. I heard the faintest snicker, followed by a tiny gasp.


“Weeelllll…guess I’ll just have to give up then,” I try my best not to laugh, but sprint over to a patch of bushes and peer over them to see Peter crouching in the center, “Aha!”

“Wow, you actually won for once.” He says, an eyebrow raised.

“Because you practically gave yourself away!”

“Did not!” He chuckles.

“You did that on purpose, didn’t you?” I put my hands on my hips and pout a little at him.

“And why would you think that, love?”

Oh my God. I swear, that British accent could kill anybody. Melt a girl’s insides until only a mush of hormones was left.

“Oh, come on! We both know you totally did that on purpose.”

“Whatever. It’s my turn anyways. I’m gonna count to ten, so you better get moving.” He winked at me.

I run deep into the woods, careful as to not step on any twigs that could blow my cover. I hear Pan’s muffled counting behind me, and I can practically envision his trademark smirk spreading upon his lips like a stick of butter.

I dart towards a towering oak, and quickly make my way up the branches. I rest upon one of the uppermost twigs, my feet dangling from the sides ever so slightly.

“TEN! Kelli…come out, come out wherever you are!” He chimes, sending a chill down my spine.

I lift my feet back up to a forty-five degree angle, steadying my breaths.

“Boo.” Peter says, popping up right in front of me. I almost fell out of the tree  but he caught me.

“Darn it, Pan!” I yell, slapping him slightly on the arm.

“I thought you knew by now, Kelli. Peter Pan never fails.”




Sorry it was short...and bad! So...tired.

Oh my gosh I have an 8 hour drive tomorrow...maybe some writing involved? ;) Idk...


This was for @kelligirl3342! Hope you like it!

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