Imagine #15- I Love You More Than Anything (Peter Pan)

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"Hook! Let go of me!" I scream, struggling in the ropes that bound me to the mast of the Jolly Roger. I stopped because all it was doing was deepening my burns.

"Oh, I don't think so, Hannah," Hook spat in my ear, a pungent odor of rum seeping through his mouth, "I want to have a little fun first."

"Pan will rescue me. And when he does, it won't be pretty." I sneer.

"Silence!" Hook yells, slapping me hard across the face. My head swivels to the side and I can already feel the red mark forming on my cheek.

"Why are you even doing this to me?" I cry out weakly.

"Because, you see, Pan took something very valuable away from me. My true love, Emma. When he cast the curse, Emma left me. She doesn't even remember who I am. I'm just returning the favor."

Hook kicks me hard in the shin and I scream out in agony. He punches a hard blow to my face with a single swift movement of his arm. Blood starts to pour out of my nose in a crimson stream. Salty tears run down my cheek, mixing with the blood and making my new cuts sting.

I hang my head in defeat. Pan should've been here by now. Maybe he just didn't care about me as I did him.

"Aw...widdle Hannah-Wannah's Peetah Pan isn't coming for her? Aw, well that's too bad." Hook mocks, taking another nasty blow to my other shin with his leather boot. That’s going to bruise.

"Stop...please." I mutter. I'm on the verge of passing out, already beginning to see twinkling stars whirl around my head.

"Anybody else want to join the fun?" Hook yells to his crew, and they all whoop and holler in return. Well, all except Smee. He would never hurt a soul.

"Everybody get in line! We need to take turns." Hook orders with a devilish grin spreading across his foul lips.

Obeying, the buccaneers get in a single file line, each stepping up and taking their turn to beat the crap out if me.

"Hello, Hook." Peter appears behind the captain, holding a dagger to his neck.

"Long time no see, Pan." Hook chortles, still looking straight ahead, his eyes full of vengeance.

"Let her go, or I may just have to kill you."

"Oh, but what's the fun in that? I thought Peter Pan loves his games more than anything else in the world." He looked over to me to see if he was successful in getting a reaction out of me. But he failed. I knew Peter loved me more than anything, even the Lost Boys themselves.

"What are you suggesting, Hook?"

"We shall have a sword fight. If you loose, I keep the girl and you can never see her again."

"And if I win, I take Hannah back with me to Neverland. And if I ever see you again, the last thing you will feel is my dagger slicing through your throat."

"Deal." Hook scoffs, already getting into the fighting stance.

“May the best man win." Peter smirks, raising a single eyebrow in the way that makes my heart melt.

Hook lunges towards Peter, but Peter moves to the side. Hook stumbles forward, landing on his stomach, his sword clattering out in front of him. He struggles to reach it, but Peter snatches it first and puts one of his boots on Hook’s back.

“Give up yet?” He asks, a bloodthirsty expression on his face.

Hook raises a finger to his nose, and pulls it back to reveal some blood. He remains silent. With a satisfied look, Peter comes over to me and picks me up bridal style, gently pecking me on the forehead. We start to slowly hover over the ship until it’s just a speck in the distance.

“I was scared you weren’t going to come for me.” I mutter as I nuzzle my head deep into his chest.

“Hannah, I would never leave you. I love you more than anything in the world. Always remember that.”




This is for @Dancer9816!! Hope you like it!


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