Imagine #28- Much Better (Robbie Kay)

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“Robbie, I’m not sure this is a very good idea,” I whine, “You know how I am with horror films.”

“Come on, Bethany, it’s all fake! Please? I’ve been dying to watch this.” Robbie tosses me a DVD case. The picture is horrific, a screaming girl covering her ears with blood everywhere. I stare at it like a statue, my stomach turning into knots.

I couldn’t do this. I’m awful with anything remotely terrifying. But a horror movie? That just crossed the line. But yet I couldn’t look like a wimp in front of Robbie. He’d just tease me.

“Fine.” I sigh in defeat.

“Yes!” Robbie exclaims, grabbing the case from my hands and opening it. He pushes the movie into the DVD player and plops down on the couch beside me.

I burrow into a blanket beside him and curl up in the corner of the couch. The whole philosophy of the blanket is that if I get too frightened by a grotesque scene in the movie, I can just shield my eyes and not have to stare at it.

Once the movie starts, my heart pulses faster and faster deep inside my chest. I could feel it vibrating my entire body with every beat, from the pit of my torso and into my head. Robbie looks over at me and smirks.

“Care to give up yet?” He chortles.

“N-no, I-I’m fine.” Darn it! Why did I have to stutter?

“Suit yourself.” Robbie leans back further into the sofa.

At one point in the movie a girl was creeping toward a door, obviously with something dangerous inside of it that she was unaware of. It was cliché, really. I inch closer to Robbie and brush our legs. He stares at me and then softly smiles to me.

“You don’t have to watch it if you don’t want to.”

“No. I’ll watch it.”

“Bethany,” Robbie murmurs, “I’m right here, you don’t have to worry.”

Robbie slowly interlaces his fingers with mine and squeezes it comfortingly. I flinch, not because he squeezed too hard, but because Robbie and I have never had this much physical contact with one another. We were the best of friends, but I’ve had a little girl crush on him for years now.

“I know, Robbie.”

The girl finally opens the door, and sure enough, there was some demon-zombie-ghost-thingy behind the door. I gasp and burrow my head into Robbie shoulder. So much for my blanket idea.

I hear many murderous screams, and the occasional ‘ooh!’ or ‘ah!’ from Robbie. When the scene is over, Robbie nudges my shoulder and I quickly sit up.

“You okay?” He questions. Surprisingly he wasn’t laughing this time.

“That was terrible.” I shudder.

“I know what can make it better.” Robbie coos.

He slowly leans in until our lips brush each other, molding like two separate pieces of clay into a beautiful piece of artwork. When we both pull away, I can’t help but giggle.

“Much better.”




Sorry if this was crappy D: Idk...I thought the whole idea of this imagine was rather adorable XD

This is for @apollo88! I'm so terribly sorry this took so long! :(

But yaayyyyyy! The weekend! You know what that means...a freaking ton of homework your teacher assigned you....*Confetti flies everywhere*

On top of that, I wanted to let you know two things 1) I won't be able to write at all this week due to the fact I have four performances I'm in for my school musical. So er...ya I bet you see my problem there. Aannnnddd 2) Forever Lost is doing pretty well, but if you haven't checked it out it would be aaammmmaaazzziiiinnnnngggg if you did! Yay!

Okie so remember to VOTE ll COMMENT ll FAVORITE ll Aaaannnddd sadly not request because I'm still not taking request for imagines at the moment. I still have 11 more to write for y'all :o

Okie dokie bye

Robbie Kay/Peter Pan Imagines [Not Taking Requests]Where stories live. Discover now