Chapter One

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Nico generally didn’t get surprised. Hell, he was Hade’s child, he was used to surprises. However, seeing Eros in his dream, smirking his smug smile that Nico wanted to so badly slap of his face, was not what he was expecting. “Nico.” The god nodded in acknowledgement. Nico groaned and closed his eyes, counting to ten. He’s a god, he is immortal. If you try and kill the bastard then he will kill you without fail.

“Eros, to what do I owe the pleasure” Nico said, making sure his voice dripped sarcasm and annoyance. Ever since the time Jason and he had gone to retrieve something from  where the damn god lived, he had hated the god.  The god had made him share the secret that he had never wanted anyone to know, granted Jason and him had turned out to be quite the best friends, but still.

“Pleasure is all mine, really, it is. But I just wanted to drop in and tell you that in the next few days you and Percy will be whisked off to the Lotus Casino” he said, like it was no big deal. Nico however, he was freaking out. Well, on the inside at least. He never showed emotion to anyone apart from Jason.

“Then I can just leave. After all, my dad did make the place” he said, trying to keep calm. That place had never held any good memories. Eros sighed in annoyance, muttering how the Hades’ children were always the worst to convince.

“Look Nico, I'm doing this for you. Surprisingly I want to help you, and trust me; this surprises me as well as you.  I know who someone’s one true love is, yes that exists before you interrupt me, and yours is Percy Jackson.” He said, explaining; his facial features growing softer for the boy.

“Look, Eros. That’s nice and all, but I think your forgetting one tiny information here. Percy goes out with Annabeth,” he couldn’t help but wrinkle his nose up at the name; something the god didn’t miss. It wasn’t that he hated the girl; quite the contrary. He was just jealous of her. Not that he would admit this of course, “and even if he didn’t, they would be a better chance of him going out with your half sister Piper before he went out with me. And then probably Drew even before me. He. Doesn’t. Like. Boys.” Nico said, telling himself that at the end.

              “But don’t you see, Nico Di Angelo? He does like boys; he just doesn’t know it. He only goes out with Annabeth because he wants to make her happy and that he doesn’t want to disappoint everyone. He wants to live up to what he thinks everyone wants.” Nico flinched. He knew Eros couldn’t lie about love, but it still hurt talking about it. He had come from a time where being in love with a guy was sinful.

“Eros, if that’s the case; let him be. He seems happy, he will fall in love eventually. But its not me.” Nico explained to the god, who seemed unfazed. The god knew after all, that the boy was wrong and that he was trying to convince himself; because he couldn’t face his problems. The god just shrugged and smirked.

“Well, if that’s the case you wont be in the Lotus Casino for long. But you have three things to do if you want to get out. A) have fun; because quite frankly you two are boring.

B) you both admit your feelings towards each other

C) you tell him your secret and

D) you two bloody kiss! The gods and I need to see you bloody happy for once. Well that’s all, and the list will be in both of your bedrooms, his will be a little longer. Adios!” the god quickly said and vanished making Nico spin around, not wanting to get blasted. He sighed and tried to wake up; finally succeeding.

 Nico walked out of his room, walking down the corridors of the Argo II; which was now dark and deserted. He already knew where he was going. He just wanted to stall time to think things through. It wasn’t often the gods helped Demi Gods, in fact it was quite rare; so it was most likely Eros, Poseidon and his dad working together. Zeus was probably in the plan as well. The bastards. He didn’t need the help. He sighed as he stood in front of Jason Grace’s room. He sighed, knocking on the door of the Roman demi gods room. He had done this every time he had a night mare, Jason was the one he considered his best friend. “Come in” the boy’s sleepy voice came traveling out to Nico. Nico walked in and jumped on the bed, curling up to the older demi god for some sense of protection. It was their routine. Jason chuckled and wrapped his arms tightly around the younger demi god, not saying anything. He would talk in his own time.

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