chapter five -full

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Two weeks. Two damn weeks they had been here and still they weren’t allowed out of the damn casino. Eros had assured them that the time, for now, was the same as the outside world. Which, honestly, didn’t give Percy much hope. He had thrown insults at the god (who unfortunately doesn’t die if he stays near mortals, wishful thinking he guessed), used his powers (which the fucking god promptly banned for the day, how did he even know how to do that?!), talked to his dad (who seemed smug and told him to just admit it and they could be let out), and he even went as far as talking to Zeus (who actually seemed apologetic and told him that he was on a bargain, he helped and his brothers would forgive him). And apart from that Eros had come to warn him that, and he quotes, ‘things aren’t getting better so we are going to make it get easier for you’. He didn’t want easier! He wanted normal, he wanted the Argo ii and he wanted home. But oh no, the gods don’t want that do they?! Someone tapped him on the shoulder and he sighed, not bothering to turn around “no, whatever your name is, I don’t want a discount, no I don’t want a flower to eat and yes, I would very much like you to let me return back to the ship I was on.” He heard a feminine laugh then.

“you always were stubborn, Jackson. No wonder it’s taking a long time for you both” he whirled around then, because he knew that voice. He knew that laugh. Hell he knew that smell!



 “Calypso?!” Percy screamed in shock, not noticing the tiny fact that their fathers were here as well. Nico glared at the god next to them, tempted to conjure a Hellhound up and let the monster torture the god for eternity. Hid dad raised an eyebrow, amused. “What? He deserves it!” he said, defensive. Hades snorted.

“I’m sure he does, and does this have anything to do with-” Nico made earth come and cover his mouth, glaring at him; not really angry. Zeus and Poseidon coughed, covering their laughter up and looked away at their exchange.

“CALYPSO! THIS IS YOUR HELP!?” Percy screamed, making Nico look back to see Percy shouting at his dad and Eros. Nico smirked; maybe he didn’t need a Hellhound after all. Nico sat down and smiled faintly when someone passed him a bowl of popcorn, making the three gods snort in amusement. “CALYPSO?! CALYPSO?! CALYPSO?!” he screamed, making the gods wince. Calypso, or that’s what Nico got out of the screaming, raised an eyebrow.

“Feeling the love Percy, feeling the love” she said, the last part coming out a little hurt. He turned to her and smiled apologetically.

“Sorry didn’t mean that like it sounded, I mean: WHY IN HADES DID THEY BRING YOU HERE JUST TO MAKE ME ADMIT SOMETHING I DON’T HAVE TO ADMIT BECAUSE IT ISNT TRUE!?” he screamed, making Nico wince. Well that hurt, Nico thought; although he wouldn’t say it out loud. She sighed and walked over to him and put her hands on his shoulders.

“Breathe Percy and then I will explain” she said, whilst rubbing his shoulders comfortingly. Nico glared at her, not noticing he was glaring until Hades walked into his line of view with a subtle shake of the head. Nico stood up abruptly, making all eyes turn to him.

“I’m heading to bed and going to try and rest, it has been.. eventful..” he said, trying to place a word that described the scene he had witnessed. Calypso snorted and nodded. She turned to him and smiled.

“Have rest, it doesn’t do well for the children of Hades to be stressed out. We can talk tomorrow if you like” he didn’t even realise he was smiling but he nodded and she grinned excited to be able to talk to someone without falling in love.

     “So,” Nico said, lying upside down on his bed; his feet against the wall, and his head hanging off of it, “how does he know the music girl and why are you and your brothers here? Not that I mind, I like that you’re here” he said, quickly adding the last part on, making Hades chuckle. Hades copied his son’s movement and sighed in relief when he felt relaxed.

Lovebeam {Percico/Valgrace} BoyxBoyWhere stories live. Discover now