Chapter Three

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Lovebeam: Chapter Three

Percy blanched, he didn't want to see this smirking, arrogant, annoying god right now. He thought about running, but realised quickly that he had nowhere to run apart from over the ship deck. And whilst he was a son of Poseidon, he didn't want to know what creatures were in that sea; friendly or not. Annabeth wrapped her arms around him and he had to force himself not to flinch and detangle himself from her grip. That wouldn't do good to explain. Oh yeah, Annabeth, I'm gay. Just thought you should know. Yeah, no thanks. He was perfectly fine pretending to love Annabeth, and pleasing everyone at the same time. Anyway, that's what hero's do. They have to please people. And percy just had it a little harder than others. "anything wrong, Perce?" Annabeth asked him, her voice bringing him back from reality. He thought about telling her, it would be so easy. He opened his mouth to tell when he realised that the look in her eyes told him she didn't care. "I'm fine" he said, forcing a smile. She smiled back, oblivious to his internal struggle, and he wondered, not for the first time, how she was Athena's kid. Because she kept showing signs of not being smart and figuring stuff out more than being smart and figuring stuff out. He sighed and walked over to Jason.

"Look after the ship when we're gone, I don't know how long that will be however with the time difference" he said, grimacing at the lack of time. Jason nodded, understanding the time difference was extremely different.

"Hey Percy?" Jason couldn't help himself, he had to help the pair out somehow. Percy looked at him, silently telling him to go on.

"The sooner you admit it, the sooner you get out" they wasn't any disgust or shame or anger in his voice, just complete understanding. And that's what pissed him off the most.Percy nodded, telling him he would try but Jason didn't believe it. He knew how stubborn children of the big three were. And two of them together?

Nico and Percy walked over to Eros and raised their eyebrow's. "When are we leaving?" Percy said, in a controlled bored voice. Eros rolled his eyes at his demeanour, he wasn't fooled. He was a god. He took hold of their arms and with a simple 'now' they were whisked away.


Percy left as soon as Eros dropped them off, which was fine by Nico; he had time to think. Nico closed his eyes and hoped for a dreamless sleep. But when you're a demigod; sadly, that never happens.


Nico groaned as he looked out the window, then flinched as someone threw a rock at it right where Nico's head was. He shut the curtains and jumped off the ceiling ledge. He sighed as he sat down and watched as Bianca did something quietly. After a few minutes, he couldn't take the silence.

"what are you doing?" he asked his sister, going over to her and looking over her shoulder. She gently blocked the view, but replied.

"Writing, Nico." He frowned confused. Bianca hated writing.

"About what, you hate writing" he said, making her laugh slightly. She sighed and put the paper in a draw and sat up, flexing her fingers. He shuddered when her fingers clicked, making her laugh again.

"I was writing to Amy." She said, smiling unknowingly at the name. Nico smirked at his older sister.

"Aaaaamyyyy, huh?" he said, stretching out her name; making Bianca blush.

"Nico it isn't like that. Me and Amy, we are just friends." She said. To Nico however, it seemed like she was trying to convince herself more than him. He shrugged though, not wanting to start an argument.

"okay, how was your school day" he said, his voice turning more cautious at the subject of school. He knew that because of what he did his sister got the blame, and he knew it was never easy, but she never said anything.

Lovebeam {Percico/Valgrace} BoyxBoyWhere stories live. Discover now