Chapter Seven

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Lovebeam: Chapter seven.

  Nico sighed and walked into Percy’s room, trying to not act like  he had heard everything he had told his father and music girl (no he wasn’t going to learn her name). he stood outside the door and took a deep breath, knowing deep inside that this was pissing him off more than anything. He was nervous. The big three children don’t do nervous, and yet here  he was acting like a kid on their first day to school (which wasn’t to pleasant for him, since he accidently killed the teacher.) he took another unneeded breath and knocked on the door quickly, so he wouldn’t chicken out. “who is it? On second thoughts, anyone apart from Nico get the fuck away” a tired voice called out. Nico walked in without answering the question and plopped himself down on the bed. Or namely Percy. Percy raised his eyebrow at the younger demi god, amused at the sight of him sitting on his feet. “Neeks, what do you need?” Nico took a quick breath, cursing quietly and then quickly spoke.

“whatdideros’srulessay?” hoping the older demi god wouldn’t understand him. Apparently hope wasn’t on his side however because the older demi god did hear and froze on the spot. Which Nico know he did do and it wasn’t his imagination because he was sat on his feet. Percy groaned and blushed, putting a pillow over his face; hoping Nico wouldn’t see the blush. Apparently however, hope really hated them both because he did. Now with a lot more confidence, Nico climbed up on Percy, not stopping until he was sitting on his chest. Normally he wouldn’t do this, however the talk with his father, the talk with Jason (well being slapped upside the head whilst both of their fathers, and Percy’s, watched amused more like), and just seeing Bianca’s soul helped. He started tickling Percy, gently at first then when he wouldn’t move the pillow he made it more merciless. Soon all you could hear was Percy’s screams and laughter as well as the younger demi gods as well since Percy was, somehow, tickling him as well.

  “it said that I have to face up to the fact that I’m gay, that I have to admit I love you, that we have to kiss, oh and that we have to overcome one of our biggest fears” Percy said, like he recited it. Which, knowing Percy, he probably did; just to torment himself. Nico frowned confused.

“Biggest fears… oh no. no, no, no, no, NO!” Nico screamed as he realised what his biggest fear was. Judging by the sympathetic look on Percy’s face, so did he. “no. NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!!” Nico carried on screaming and throwing things at the wall, making Percy glad that the walls couldn’t break. The gods rushed in, alarmed at the screaming. Hades let out a visible sigh of relief when he saw his son wasn’t hurt. And then raised an eyebrow confused to Percy who just replied with looking up at the ceiling trying to think what his biggest fear was. Quickly enough they were two boys screaming very.. colourful.. insults to the god and throwing things at the wall whilst the gods ( and Jason ) stood there confused as to what was going on. Well, two thirds of the gods were confused. One of them just stood there smirking.

“okay, so now you have both figured out your biggest fears, are you ready to-” Eros was cut of by Percy using some water and shoving it down his throat forcefully, making Hades, Poseidon and Zeus laugh amused. Jason sighed and gave Percy a look that made him back down. Percy glared at the god.

“No, we are not. Now for the love of Hera, FUCK. OFF!” Percy ended up screaming the last part, making Nico wince. Percy instantly stopped and held his hands over his ears, making Nico raise his eyebrow annoyed. Jason snorted quietly as did Poseidon and Zeus whilst Hades just rolled his eyes and walked out.

  Once they had all had dinner (which, for only a small group, was very hectic) Nico and Percy went back to Nico’s room. Nico jumped onto his bed, making Percy laugh and do the same, wrapping his arms around Nico in the process. Since Percy knew that Nico was socially awkward, he decided not to call Nico on the blush that had appeared on the younger demi gods face.

“Favourite colour?” Percy said, after a few minutes of comfortable silence. Nico came out of his thoughts,

“Huh?” he was slightly embarrassed since his thoughts were on the sea prince’s arms around him.

“I said, favourite colour?” Percy said, smiling down at the younger demi god.

“ironically? Its actually orange” Nico said, laughing. Percy joined in because it was ironic and very funny.

“What about you? What’s your favourite colour?”

“Hmm, probably dark purple. I like blue food since its familiar but that would definitely be my favourite color?”

“huh, didn’t know that. Umm, favourite sea animal?”

“killer whale, your favourite?”


“Sweeeet, I swam with one of them. favourite food?”

“No way, that would be so cool! And probably apple’s or cake. You?”

“it was until it told me it needed to pee. Slightly disturbing. And actually mine would be oranges”

“haha that’s actually really funny, favorutie app?”

“Flappy  birds, you?”

“Same” Percy smiled slightly and got his iPod out and silently passed it to Nico, since he was tired. Nico grinned when he saw the app on the screen and started to play on Percy’s iPod whilst Percy drifted of to a dreamless sleep.


Chapter Seven is done J, so so so sorry this is short. Eh, I wanted to write something less serious and more light hearted and didn’t have any ideas whatsoever. Anyway, comment below your favourite PJO/HoO ship. It can be canon or non-canon.

Lovebeam {Percico/Valgrace} BoyxBoyWhere stories live. Discover now