Chapter Two

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Love beam: Chapter Two

Nico generally wasn’t on edge. But then again, Nico didn’t generally have too much too think about. Nico, I’m gay as well. So was that it? The only reason Jason grace really trusted him was because he was gay as well? That he didn’t even want to be his friend? That he was just using him? And then they was Percy. Percy fucking Jackson; the guy who he couldn’t get out of his mind, no matter what. Since Percy read the rules from Eros, which Eros wouldn’t let Nico know what they were, Percy hadn’t left Annabeth’s side. And he was always touching her. Whether it be with a small gesture of pushing her hair back or squeezing her hand, or him wrapping him arms around her then proceeding to make out with her. It. Made. Him. Sick. Or that’s what he wanted to believe. The truth was, and gods he would never say this out loud, he was jealous of Annabeth. He should be the one that Percy gave small gestures to, he should be the one that had Percy’s arms around him and he should be the one Percy was kissing. And then if that wasn’t enough he had to worry about Eros, who had told him that Percy and Nico would be whisked away to the Lotus Casino and were forced to stay there until Nico died of old age. Oh wait, he cant. Not in that stupid place. Because time is frozen there.

  He looked over the ship and saw Leo working on something in the engine of fetus. He wondered what Leo was thinking about. Did he remember Jason and him dating? Or did he see them as friends? Was Leo gay as well? Or was he bi or even straight? Leo was a puzzle that you couldn’t do, no matter what. They was always some mystery to him. He never got down, he never cried and he never frowned. Correction, he never cried in front of people. Nico had heard Leo crying quite a few nights (Nico had had a nightmare and went to Jason) and he stood outside the door of the Latino’s room and wondered whether he should go in there or not. But it was always the same one, it was always not. He could never bring himself to go into the room and actually show comfort to someone other than Jason. So he settled for sitting with his back against the door and singing quietly in Italian until Leo had fallen asleep.  Nico watched as he hummed some tune to himself and wondered how his mind worked? Was it like an elastic band? Always bouncing back? On second thoughts, it couldn’t be that. Elastic bands broke eventually, and Leo seemed indestructible. Until night time. Then he was a normal person. He was vulnerable. He was Leo.

Nico sighed and jumped on the edge of the ship, feeling Jason’s eyes watching him; making him roll his eyes. He would be fine, he had done this countless times and he hasn’t fallen off yet. He thought back to the war and wondered what would have happened if he could of saved his sister. But no, he didn’t. He lost yet another sister, and it was his entire fault. He had to watch his sister be killed and not be able to help her. What’s worse was that it was by someone he didn’t expect. It was by Frank himself. They had been yet another betrayal in a war. First Selena, then Frank. He didn’t blame Selena though; he understood what she went through. Selena had tried to make things right, hell she had made things right. If she hadn’t of pretended to be Clarisse then he knew that they would of lost the first war. But Frank. Frank was different, he was loyal. He was there, he was the silent person you could just stand to and know you were safe. Except none of them were safe, Hazel had been killed by him. Reyna had been seriously injured, making Malcolm from the Athena cabin tell her that he would look after the camp until she was fully restored. She didn’t like it, but she didn’t put up that much of a fight either. Maybe she had realised that the war between the two camps were stupid and petty? One could only hope. He had had enough war to last a life time. To think that when he was little he wanted to be a soldier and fight in wars.

BANG! Nico flew off the edge of the ship, and screamed; making Jason turn and run before gliding across the open sky, barely catching him in time. Jason looked down at the younger boy he had grown to care for and saw he was shaking. Adrenaline? Fear? Maybe both, that didn’t matter as of right now.

“See? If you had just-” Nico cut him off.

“Shut it Jason. Normally its perfectly safe. Oh don’t give me that-” he stopped what he was saying and looked open mouth at the ship. Jason frowned and turned around and groaned as well.

 Eros really did love making a dramatic entrance didn’t he?

Lovebeam {Percico/Valgrace} BoyxBoyWhere stories live. Discover now