Chapter Eight: Full Version

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Lovebeam: Chapter Eight

21:11 pm 18.05.14

When Nico wakes up the first thing he registers is that he has arms around him, thus making him jump up away from contact; causing the other person to wake up groaning. “Nico, man, I know you hate contact but I thought we got past that” the person groaned more. It took him a few minutes and when he realised he cursed in Italian.

“Shit! Perce, I am so sorry, I didn’t know and I just woke up and-” Percy cut him of laughing. It wasn’t mean or anything, so he laughed quietly. Percy motioned for him to lie back down and with a grin he did so. He curled up to him, hoping that whatever changed Percy’s mind wouldn’t come back. Because quite frankly, he loved this. He loved him. He sighed in content and looked for Percy’s iPod, laughing when he realised it was on the floor. Percy raised an eyebrow and Nico motioned towards his iPod and Percy laughed as well. “I lose it sometimes!” he said, his tone defensive. Nico laughed, rolling his eyes.

“More like, all the time.” He said, smirking at Percy, making the older demi god pout.

“It’s easy to lose!” Nico rolled his eyes and quickly sat up, got the iPod and sat back down and curled right up to Percy again.

Nico knew they couldn’t stay here forever but when was Percy going to do what he had to do? Nico knew he would. Nico sat up, making Percy look at him. He took a deep breath. “Perce, don’t get mad or anything and don’t shout please, promise me?” Nico didn’t want the mood to be ruined. Percy nodded and Nico knew that was the best he was going to get. “Why don’t you admit it?” he said it quietly, not wanting him to hear all of a sudden. Nico saw the change in Percy’s body immediately. His whole body went stiff and ridged and his eyes went cold whilst his jaw clenched. Nico winced. He knew he shouldn’t of said anything.

“Excuse me?” Percy’s voice was quiet. Anyone else would of thought he was shy, but Nico knew better. He knew that Percy was angry. Nico closed his eyes, getting ready for the argument that was sure to come.

“Why don’t you tell everyone that you’re g-”

“SHUT UP!” his voice carried over Nico’s, not wanting to hear it. Not wanting to admit it.

“No. Why. Don’t. You. Tell. Them. You’re. Gay?” Nico punctuated the words, making sure Percy heard him.

“Because I'm not” they didn’t see the face time request on Percy’s iPod that was the rest of them. Nico threw Percy’s iPod at the wall, angry. He didn’t see that he had made it accept it.






     “EXCUSE ME?!” both of them stopped their argument, their blood turning cold. Because that wasn’t their voice. Oh no, it wasn’t any of their voices. But they knew the voice perfectly fine.  That voice belonged to someone else.

     That voice belonged to Annabeth.


“DID YOU HEAR ME?! I SAID, EXCUSE ME!? WHAT THE HADES IS GOING ON?!” Annabeth screamed after a long period of silence, during which both boys looked at each other frantically. Nico sighed.

“Annabeth look-”

“DON’T YOU ‘ANNABETH LOOK’ ME NICO DI ANGELO! I TRIED TO PROTECT YOU, I LOOKED OUT FOR YOU, I TRIED TO DO EVERYTHING I COULD FOR YOU! IF YOU WERE ILL IT WAS ME WHO WOULD TEND TO YOU, IF YOU HAD A PROBLEM IT WAS ME WHO TRIED TO TALK TO YOU, IF SOMEONE WAS SAYING STUFF ABOUT YOU IT WAS ME WHO STOPPED THEM, WHEN BIANCA DIED I TOOK ON THE ROLE AS A BIG SISTER NOT TO REPLACE HER BUT SO THAT YOU WOULD HAVE SOMEONE THERE FOR YOU! BECAUSE I THOUGHT OF YOU AS A LITTLE BROTHER AND I WANTED TO HELP ANYWAY I COULD! AND HOW DO YOU REPAY ME?! OH YEAH. YOU GO AND STEAL MY BOYFRIEND AND NOT TELL ME!” her voice seemed to get louder at the end, and he had a distinct feeling she was crying at that part. He would of felt sorry for her, had she not brought Bianca into it. Percy looked a little pissed off as well. He hadn’t noticed before since he was so into their argument, but the gods and Jason had rushed into their rooms. Nico winced. Percy may have been a little pissed but if Jason’s face had anything to do with it, he was majorly pissed.

Lovebeam {Percico/Valgrace} BoyxBoyWhere stories live. Discover now