Chapter four: full version

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Leo stared at where the three boys had disappeared. He vaguely saw that the ship was back to normal and was carrying on to their destination as if nothing had ever happened. "Stupid bloody love god" he muttered after he figured out who the guy was. He hated love. Although, if anyone knew why, then they would of understood why. And hate him. So yeah, win lose situation there. He tells why he hates love and everyone would understand but then everyone would hate him because he was a freak, barbaric even. He quickly stood up, causing attention to be drawn to him; making him curse silently. He waved lamely. "I'm tired. Im heading off to bed to rest for a bit." He said quickly, before anyone could tell him that he couldn't be tired, because not only did he have ADHD, where he could run pretty much endlessly, but it was also the middle of the day. Once he got into his room he slid down against the door, tired. So maybe he wasn't lying. Because he was tired. He was tired of pretending, he was tired of lying, and most of all, he was tired of hiding. Leo sighed and closed his eyes, ready to forget everything; if not just for a short while.

Leo and Jason laughed as Piper muttered curses at some girl who just asked her for her fathers signature. She turned to Leo, rolling her eyes, "Seriously, why do they ask me?" she said, flinging her arms up in annoyance when all three of them got to their room. Jason snorted and she turned and whacked him upside the head. "shush it, you. You don't have this problem" she said, jabbing her finger to the door, indicating the crazy girls outside in the longue in the boarding school. Jason thought for a moment before nodding and shrugged. "sucks to be you?" he offered a cocky smile and she whacked him over the head again, muttering something about 'blow me' Leo smirked at her saying,

"Sorry honey, he only blows me" causing the three of them to laugh before getting onto their homework; curtesy of Piper smacking both of them upside the head until they did as she asked.

"Okay so, how did Zeus come into power?" Piper spoke, breaking the silence. Jason replied, without even looking up; as if it was natural to him.

"Kronus who was his dad- and a titan, king as well- ruled the world and destroyed everything. After he became king he ate his children and when his wife had had enough she hid Zeus until he was fully grown and then he challenged Kronos and fed him a mixture of mustard and wine causing him to throw up, which led to him throwing up his children and since they were immortal they still grew up in Kronos' stomach contents- poor dudes- then Zeus, Poseidon and Hades fought Kronos and destroyed him and they threw his remains into the depths of Tartarus" I looked at him in amazement.

"How the Hades do you know that?" I said in wonder. We never listened in our greek lessons anyway, so I don't know how he knew it. He just smirked and shrugged. We quickly put down the answer to the questions and I read the next one out, thankful they didn't torture our Dyslexia.

"What did Hepeahtus do to Aphrodite and Ares when he found out they were dating" I paused as the answer came to me. "oh I already know, well that's different." I muttered the last part making them both snort in amusement and agreement.

"When he found out that Ares and Aphrodite were going on a date, he was furious. Then again he did have right to be, did the gods not have the same rules for being loyal back then or? Anyway, he made a golden net that no one apart from him could cut through and when they went on their date he followed them, making sure they didn't know. After he saw them, he captured them and humiliated them by making the whole of Olympus see- no Piper, it isn't going to far, they deserved it- and wouldn't let them out for quite a while. Ares tried slashing at the net but it just changed shape, like it was meant to, because Hepeatus had designed it so only he could undo the net, or his kids. After he thought they had been humiliated enough he undid the netting and that's about all I can remember" I said, shrugging at the end, pointedly ignoring Piper's glare. They wrote down the answer and I think I saw Piper change the answer, which to be honest does not surprise me. Once he was finished he laid his pen down for a minute and strectched his fingers, wincing when they clicked; sending me a apologetic look as I winced. I hated that noise. He raised an eyebrow at Piper's silence and I shrugged letting him know I didn't care.

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