Lovebeam: Epilogue (sort of)

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Lovebeam: Epilogue

*five months after the Lotus Casino*

Nico smiled as he saw three new campers come into camp half-blood with Percy, asking him questions eagerly about his godly father. ‘what was Poseidon like’ ‘are you good at surfing’ Nico grinned at the memory of him being ten years old and asking Percy similar questions. The last one took away his smile however. ‘do you have a girlfriend?’ Nico smirked slightly. He walked right up to Percy and kissed him hard, not caring who saw. The older campers had already got used to it. Even Drew had got used to it, although that had taken a little longer than the rest. Okay little was an understatement. It had taken her the five months that they had been out. When he pulled away, one of the boys shrugged grinning and Nico raised an eyebrow, smiling. “Sup kid, what’s on your mind?” The boys eyebrows furrowed.

“I’m just wondering,” he paused and gave Percy a cheeky grin that resembled Leo’s and Nico knew, he just knew that the guy was a Hephaestus child, “Is it easier than being with a hormonal girl?” Percy and Nico laughed at how similar him and Leo was.

“Depends if you want to know how Nico reacts when his father and mine and Zeus has an argument.” Nico shook his head, amused. The boy nodded though, like it wasn’t any different.

“So basically when both of your fathers have arguments with the drama god,” lightning rumbled in the distance and the boy rolled his eyes; making Percy grin. “Sorry, sorry lightening god,” he mumbled drama god under his breath making Nico bite back a laugh, “its like you both switch genders and go into a male version of a girl with her period.” Percy nodded, grinning. Nico smirked at the boy.

“The only difference is that while girls can’t have sex we can. And trust me,” Nico grinned at the boy, and the boy laughed, “we have it a lot. So stay away from Cabin three if you see the ground rumbling and sea around it”

The boy grinned, “Okay so note: when the ground rumbles and there’s sea around the cabin I stay away unless I want live porn. Thanks homies” and with that he walked off, leaving a shocked Percy and Nico laughing loudly at Percy’s expression.


Nico sat by Leo and sighed when he saw his recently formed best friends depressed state. He and Jason had kissed on the deck when Jason came back for Leo and now Jason was avoiding Leo. Nico squeezed his shoulders. “Hey mate, the Stoll’s want some help with pranking. Wanna come?” Leo looked up and grinned but you could see his heart wasn’t in it.

“Sure, but I can’t help but think something is wrong..” he trailed off, a worried expression crossing his face. Nico knew straight away that they should do something about it. Nico stood up and Leo looked at him confused.

“Come on, we’re going to Chiron. He’ll know what to do Leo” the last part came out softer than expected since Leo’s face hardened at the mention of the mentor. Leo mumbled something about ‘horse fucker’ making Nico snort and let out a sharp laugh and the walked off to the big house; not seeing someone in the shadows smirking at how their plan was coming along. It was going perfect. All they needed was one more night. then the plan could begin.


“Leo, Nico I am sorry. I truly am,” you could see on his face that he was honestly sorry, but it wasn’t enough for Leo. Not when his Jason was out somewhere, possibly in danger. No. definitely in danger. “but we can’t do anything, not yet. We just have to wait one more night. one more night Leo, then we can look for him. But we can’t do anything before he has been missing for twenty four hours.” Leo abruptly stood up, shaking with anger. Nico grimaced seeing how Leo’s finger tips were already flamed up.

“Listen horse fucker I don’t care what you say. Jase is in trouble and if anything happens to him and gets him hurt then I will personally kill you.” By now he was visibly on fire and Nico shuddered. He grinned when he saw hazel come in. Oh yeah, when the gods found out that they had been the first demi god couple to become public they let everyone they wanted to come back to life do so. Silena, Charles, Hazel, Luke, Bianca and some more. Hazel’s eyes widened when she saw that Leo was on fire, and sighed, rolling her eyes; making Nico bite back a laugh. Hazel ran over and put her hands on Leo’s shoulders and sang to him softly in Spanish (something Nico didn’t know she could do) and Leo visibly relaxed. Nico relaxed as well because he was worried about Leo setting things on fire.

“Leo, listen to ho- Chiron. Wait till tomorrow and if the ho- Chiron says we have to wait again” she sent a pointed look to Chiron who had the grace to seem ashamed, “then me, you, Nico, Percy, Thalia, Selina and Charles will go look for him. Okay?” Leo grit his teeth before giving a curt nod. Luke gave a loud cough and Hazel rolled her eyes at him, “and since Mr. Ego here has got our attention, apparently he wants to become useful for a change” she gave him a pointed glance at her shorts that were too short for her now that Nico was looking. He glared at her, not angry at her. She rolled her eyes then, “Can it Neeks, it wasn’t me. Luke somehow got into our cabin and cut all of my shorts to be wayyy too short.” Nico snorted and even though he was meant to be the older brother, he grinned at Luke and high fived him.

“Fine, but we are sending us all out if we don’t get him back by tomorrow,” Chiron went to say something but Leo turned to him with such a glare that made even Nico, son of Hades, flinch and recoil, “end of discussion.” His voice said it was final and with the glare, Chiron looked resigned and nodded.


“What do you think happened to him, Perce?” Nico said, looking up from where he was tracing patterns on Percy’s shirtless self. Percy sighed, closing his eyes.

“Honestly Neeks? I don’t know. I’m with Leo on this. Something is going on. And with dad saying how Hecate has disappeared from Mount. Olympus and how Annabeth has disappeared? I don’t like it. And what’s worse is that Rachel is missing as well.” Percy sighed and closed his eyes again, and Nico kissed him softly. He pulled back soon after.

“We’ll find them Perce. I promise. And I promise that by the end of this we will still be together and we will win whatever is going on.” Percy let out a stressed laugh but nodded.

  They didn’t know that in that moment someone had gotten into Leo’s cabin and took him. They didn’t know that this would be the worst thing they would face.


Lovebeam {Percico/Valgrace} BoyxBoyWhere stories live. Discover now