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You crumpled to the floor with your arms wrapped around your exposed chest when you ran through what had just happened earlier. Just like yesterday, Taehyung had used you and just as quickly left you. To him, you must've been nothing more than a toy. You felt like a cheap prostitute -- granted, you didn't actually have sex with Taehyung and he didn't pay you either. So did that make you even lower than a harlot?

Whatever the case, humiliation gripped your being as you hastily buttoned up your white blouse and cardigan, noticing that a few of the buttons were on the verge of falling off due to Taehyung's rough handling of your uniform. Your tights were no longer wearable, considering the torn and ripped state of the black nylon. Great, you looked like you had just been in a street fight.

God. Why did you have no morals? No backbone? No normal girl would've allowed Taehyung to do that, unless they were as trashy and desperate as you. Feeling all the more dejected at how the boy had just cruelly left you both times you had engaged in this weird sexual meeting, you ran your fingers across the length of Jungkook's tie, strangely upset that the older man had just ruined your friend's precious handiwork.

You struggled to get up, your legs still feeling weak and tingly from the experience as you held the tie in your hands. Fumbling with the fabric, you attempted to recreate Jungkook's earlier ponytail only to fail when your locks kept slipping out, or when the tie refused to stay together in a neat ribbon. You didn't even know why it even mattered to you. Maybe you just wanted to feel like at least someone out there cared about you. If only Taehyung had a modicum of Jungkook's considerate character, you were certain you wouldn't feel so pathetic and used after each rendezvous.

Regardless, you did feel that way, and you were the reason why. You also knew that the next time Taehyung approached you, you would once again fall victim to your own visceral desires, allowing him to do as his pleased with you. You really were messed up.

It was the last bell of the day that brought you out of your self-deprecating daze and carefully, you snuck out of the library, noting that it was still empty and the head librarian didn't seem to have a clue of what carnal events had just occurred behind musty shelves of books. Thank god. You weren't quite ready to get suspended.

With Jungkook's necktie in one hand and your ruined stockings in the other, you did the walk of shame down the crowded corridors, feeling like you had just left a one-night stand with how exhausted you look. All you were missing were a pair of hooker heels in your grip and you'd be set.

Before you could reach your locker, you felt someone tug a black tie out of your fingers and you spun around furiously, instinctively protective over the accessory that Jungkook had lent you.

"Hey, that's --" You stopped when you saw the offender behind you and your lips parted into a relieved smile at the sight of your younger friend.

"Did it fall out?" Jungkook asked, examining the tie and then your tousled hair. His eyes travelled from your face then it stopped at your neck. He blinked as if unsure of his vision before he came closer to you, pushing your hair off your shoulders so he could get a better view of your purple hue freckled collarbone.

Crap. You never checked the mirror. Did Taehyung actually give you a hickey? It certainly felt like he did, though you weren't sure.

"What happened to you? You're all bruised. It looks like you had an intense make ou--"

"Mosquito bites!" You quickly chimed, cutting his sentence before he could finish the embarrassing, but true, observation.

"I wanted to get some fresh air because it was so stuffy in free period, and I sort of just fell asleep outside. I must have super sweet blood or something." Rambling usually happened when you were nervous or when you blatantly lied, but hopefully your explanation seemed plausible enough to Jungkook -- you know, if he ignored the fact that insect bites were often more red than violet. Wait. Why did you care so much of his opinion anyway?

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