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A week had passed since the incident at the library and Taehyung hadn't bothered you at all about a new challenge. You didn't know whether to feel happy or upset. Of course, you were glad you didn't have to do any humiliating public acts of indecency (because, dear god, why did he seem to enjoy the prospect of getting caught) but you were also worried that Taehyung had already gotten bored of his proposition.

You had basically allowed him to do whatever he wanted to you in exchange for that cherished possibility that he would go out with you, but if he didn't keep his end of the deal, then what did that make you? Another random side chick? A casual whore? You preferred to keep your own personal slut-shaming to a minimum as you daydreamed in class.

Then again, did you really want to keep pursuing him after everything he did to you? Somehow you had a feeling that this was exactly the dilemma Taehyung hoped for when he made his lewd suggestion. The stubborn part of you refused to yield to him and that obviously meant you were going to continue your vain quest to procure his feelings. Why were you like this? Honestly, things would've been so easy if you just listened to your objecting conscience.

Granted, it wasn't as if Taehyung had been completely ignoring you in between challenges either. You wanted to say that he seemed more tolerant of your presence, but you didn't know if that was the truth or your rose-tinted bias.

To his friends, he had told them that the both of you were trying to get to know each other better which was why you were invited to eat with them during lunch. (Yeah, that surprised you too.) However, most of the time - actually, all of the time - you chose to sit with your other classmates. There was something incredibly awkward about sitting with a group of seven gorgeous men. Also, you were hoping a little push and pull would make Taehyung feel something, but you were pretty sure he just took it as a plus when you decided not to hang out with them.

Today though, when the lunch bell sounded, you knew you couldn't avoid it any longer -- mainly because all your friends were either busy with extra work or sports meetings. Either way, you decided to grace the seven boys with your glorious presence. Sarcasm very much intended.

The group of them often lounged at the school's rooftop. It was pretty much the classic cool-kids-hangout area. With the sun shining brightly overhead without a single cloud in sight, it's harsh rays stretched across the school grounds, spreading joy and cancerous UV onto everything it touched. You knew you were going to regret not having applied sunscreen in the morning.

"Ahreum, you're joining us today?" The first one to speak was none other than the golden boy, Jungkook himself. His hair was styled in loose waves making it look fluffier than ever and a pair of fashionable circular glasses were propped on his nose as he waved for you to sit beside him.

"Taehyung-ah, your shadow is here!" A lanky boy spoke. Who was he again? Jay Hopps? Wait that was his nickname, right? Hoseon? Chuseok? Oops, hopefully he would introduce himself. Wait, did his nickname have a 'hope' in it? Your brain was practically spinning as you tried to recall his name only to realize that there were way more men here than you could actually remember.

You hesitantly forced a smile at the sound of your degrading nickname and began going towards Jungkook, the only one who had actually offered you a seat before Taehyung looked up from his cellphone and stared daggers at you.

"Where are you going?" He asked, his glossy eyes shifting between you and the maknae. "Isn't it obvious that you should sit beside me?" Taehyung slapped the concrete floor beside him, gesturing for you to move there.

Uhh. Was it obvious? Because prior to actually speaking, he hadn't acknowledged you at all. Though, you couldn't help but feel the tiniest bit of happiness that he wanted you near him. You literally thought he would try to sit as far away from you as possible. This, my friends, was the power of incredibly low expectations. Every action seemed saintly afterwards.

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