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You buried your face into the pillow, breathing in the distinct scent of medication floating off the fabric before you rolled onto your back to stare at ceiling overhead as if the white paint contained all the answers you were looking for.

After you had left the gymnasium, your feet hastily rushed to the front entrance of the school, ready to depart for the day - until you remembered, it was only lunch time and you still had a good 2 hours of school left before the final bell released you from your own personal hell. 

Two more hours of awkward silence with your seat partner, Jungkook. No way. You couldn't face him for two seconds, let alone sit beside him for two classes. Thankfully, with some careful persuasion and suggestive implications of having feminine troubles, your teacher - unwilling to question your apparent sickness any further - hurriedly pushed you out his door and sent you on your merry way to the infirmary. 

So here you laid, exhausted and frustrated from the events of the afternoon without any idea how you were going to fake neutrality for the rest of the school year. If you would even survive that long in the first place. Who knew if Taehyung's friends could keep their mouth shut. For all you knew, the halls could've been buzzing with rumours of Taehyung's biting fetish as soon as the day ended. 

Shit. You just didn't know what to do. Your mind felt overcrowded with questions of 'what if's plaguing each and every cell. As soon as an answer emerged from the muddy recesses of your brain, it would just as quickly fizzle out as holes were poked through it by your pragmatic and downright inhospitable logic. 

You closed your eyes, praying to reach enlightenment. Either that or sleep. The latter certainly wouldn't help in the long run, but all you wanted was a few minutes of freedom and relaxation before you had to leave the safe confines of the hospital bed. 



It was the soft-spoken voice of Jungkook that caused you to stir in your sleep, fracturing the illusory dream world you had found refuge in and dragging your consciousness back into the awful reality you had tried so hard to escape from. No matter. You refused to wake as you pressed your eyes shut, stubbornly clawing at whimsical dreams that had already slipped past your desperate fingers. 

I'm still sleeping. You chanted slowly in your mind, the three words becoming a mantra that remained on loop as you pretended to stay asleep. Hopefully he would just leave you alone. Yes, you were being spoiled and rather rude as well, but you just didn't know how to speak to him. For all you knew, as soon as you got up, he would bombard you with questions about your tryst with Taehyung, causing your gut to wrench in shame as you exposed your secrets to the faultless boy. No matter how much you wanted to slather your words with sugar and flowery euphemisms, you knew he was smart enough to see through your attempts.  

Your inner turmoil was cut short when you suddenly felt something soft against your cheek. If your body hadn't been swathed with a thick cotton blanket, you were certain you would've visibly flinched when Jungkook's warm fingers grazed your skin. Your breath struggled to maintain its rhythmic ups and downs despite the hyperventilating frenzy that seized your lungs and your mind reeled hysterically as you tried to comprehend what was happening beyond the blindness you had trapped yourself in. 

Was he going to kiss you? 

Don't be stupid. 

But, what if? 

Okay, no. If you were awake, you would've physically slapped some sense into yourself. 

Thankfully, your besotted curiosity was satiated when the boy merely brushed the stray wisps of hair away from your face and smoothed the creases of your blanket, allowing you to rest in your not-so-peaceful slumber. 

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