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"T-too rough, Taehyung." You groaned, digging your fingernails into the white mattress of the cot. He scoffed, applying more pressure despite your pleas.

You flipped your hair over your shoulders and stared at the plain ceilings above, arching your back as Taehyung continued his indelicate treatment to your bruised body. 

"Ahh, nnn..." You stammered, biting your lower lip to stifle the sharp pain shooting through your body.

"Fuck, you know you're making sex noises, right?" The brunette asked before pulling the cotton swab away from your grazed knees, giving you a second of relief as the chilly air of the room hit the cold stinging disinfectant coating your abrasions. 

"Shut up, I am not." You replied defensively, locking an annoyed gaze onto apathetic brown orbs. 

"Yes you are. Trust me, I know." He said, pulling his pink lips into a devious smirk before he gave you a suggestive wink. His statement drew a warm blush to your face and you kicked your legs childishly, lightly hitting his chest. Hearing him talk about it felt even stranger than the actual experience itself. Maybe it was because, right now, you weren't driven insane with desire. You were totally, 100%, sober and you didn't want to recall your erotic affairs. All you wanted was a normal conversation with him. It seemed like whenever you two were alone, he couldn't wait to re-enact some weird pornographic scenario. 

"Why did you do that, anyway? Push me? Do you hate me that much?" You asked, a distressed frown twisting onto your youthful features. You were simultaneously curious of his answer, but you were frightened as well. Taehyung wasn't the type to sugarcoat, so you had a feeling you'd be wrenching a knife out of your heart in a few seconds.

"I don't know. I just felt like it." The uncaring boy shrugged as he studied your knees before placing a plaster over the small injury. You sighed, upset with his vague and downright sadistic comment. 

From where you were sitting, Taehyung looked like an angel. The sun that spilled through the blinds covered him in an ethereal glow. Unkempt brunette locks laid messily on his soft bed of hair, the rich color bringing out the fairness of his skin which only contrasted his red-tinted lips. His lashes, thick and long, framed captivating hazelnut eyes that stared silently at the band-aid on your skin. If only his personality was as beautiful as he was. 

How did you get him so wrong? Where was the man that gave you your student pass with a warm smile? The person that had pushed through crowds of people to reach you? 

"Do you remember how we first met?" You asked absentmindedly.

"It was the subway, right?" Taehyung replied, finally getting off his knees so he could take a seat beside you on the bed. 

That was surprising. You thought he would've forgotten for sure. Maybe just maybe you could catch a glimpse of a sweeter person deep down.

"But if I knew you were going to be like this, I wouldn't have helped you." 

Your wishes were dashed after he spoke and you nodded your head as if you had expected his answer, though your chest felt otherwise, as it tightened uncomfortably from his cold words. You avoided his eyes as you raised your head to stare back at the sterile ceiling, contemplating the questions you had been asking yourself for the past few days. Where was the silver lining in this messed up relationship? 


You turned to face him and that's when you felt his lips pressing against yours softly. With one simple kiss, he had sent chills down your spine and the dejected butterflies in your stomach were quickly reawakened as they fluttered about with a newfound energy. 

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