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(trigger warning + mature content. please read author's notes!) 

As you stepped out of the complex, it seemed like nature was cruelly reflecting the tangled yarn of emotions whirling about in your head. The clear cerulean skies you were so used to seeing grew thick and dull with plump overcast clouds that smothered out all signs of summer. Heavy drops of rain became victorious over the weather, concealing the weak rays of the sun behind a shroud of grey that only grew denser as time passed. This was not the bright and beautiful season everyone had hoped for, and yet, you felt an almost cathartic sense of comfort as you breathed in the fresh morning air. 

It had only been one day since Jungkook reaffirmed his feelings in the infirmary and you couldn't help but wonder why his confession failed to draw an automatic response of acceptance from your brain. If this had been weeks before your strange stint with Taehyung, you were certain you'd be flushed in scarlet, giddy with pride and happiness because you, of all people, managed to charm an absolute angel like Jungkook. Then again, the you of the past would've still been too deeply infatuated with Taehyung to realize the extent of Jungkook's kindness. 

You let out a trapped sigh as you dragged your scuffed sneakers across the wet asphalt, somehow managing to avoid shallow puddles as you remained lost in your introspective reverie. Every moment you spent with Jungkook made you feel better. The boy had a natural ability to yank you out of the grasp of self-hatred. No matter how much you despised your own weaknesses when it came to Taehyung, the younger male never left your side and pampered you as if you were a clueless child incapable of doing wrong. 

Maybe that was why you couldn't accept his confession. Even if he had an inkling of the misdeeds that occurred between you and Taehyung, you were sure that doubt skewered his beliefs. Somewhere within him, you felt like Jungkook must've distorted Taehyung's suggestive words into verbal fodder spoken only to get a rise out of him. Except they weren't lies. They were all true. It would've been deceitful if you just accepted him and played the victim when the fault laid with both you and Taehyung, no matter how much you wanted to believe otherwise. 

You didn't know how it would help, but you needed closure. You had to end whatever you had with Taehyung in order to start anew - whether it be alone or with Jungkook. Besides, during your pretend-slumber in the infirmary, Taehyung had mentioned wanting to speak with you in private. Might as well kill two birds with one stone, right?

Hours passed quickly and you could barely keep your focus in class as you mentally wrote up a script of what you wanted to tell the perplexing male. You had essentially prepared a speech consisting of cliches that messily included phrases about 'leaving you alone', and also 'still being friends'. Granted 90% of what you wanted to say consisted of the former over the latter. 

Next, you had to find somewhere to speak with him. Somewhere private, yet open. You weren't stupid. Nothing good ever came out of being alone with Taehyung, but you didn't want nosy peers eavesdropping on your conversation either. You breathed out your hundredth sigh of the day, earning a look of concern from your seatmate, Jungkook, who had adopted the role of a gentleman as he gave you all the time and space you needed to come up with a response to his confession. 

A dissonant chime of bells resounded across the building, snapping you out of your internal deliberation before spreading anxiety throughout your chest when you realized it was finally time for your mental planning to be put into action. 

With quickened footfalls, you practically threw all your books and belongings into your locker before ascending flights of stairs to reach Taehyung's classroom. That place would have to do. Surely there would still be students loitering in the room, and of course, the teacher would be there as well. There was no way Taehyung could try anything. If he would, in the first place. Honestly, he had become the icon of ambiguity and mixed signals when it came to your relationship. 

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