[Chapter 6] His love?

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>> Maryam's Pic<<
Updated pic: 11/2/18

Maryam's POV:

So I just unlocked his door because it was so tempting.

Wow his room....it was my favourite colour Black, but why was everything black? You could hardly see anything so I left the door open, I didn't want to turn on the light so that he doesn't know I'm in his room because if he finds out I will be killed.

There was a small desk next to his bed and it had lots of papers and documents on it. With a ring on top of the papers it was so pretty, but I didn't touch it.
I then walked by his closet and my god he had so many clothes and everything was in oder.

I went by his bed and sat on it facing the big window. Then I looked to my right I saw a few pictures on the wall... Wait that picture looks familiar but a familiar voice interrupted.

"What are you doing here" a voice said behind me.

Shit. It's Cameron.

I turned around but the room went all dark. I could hardly see anything. He closed the door behind himself.

What is he thinking...

I got up facing the door, I saw his figure getting closer to me...

"You know what they say" he said and I could feel his presence in front of me.

"What?" I said in a harsh tone, so that he doesn't do anything stupid.

"When a girl enters a guys room, when she has been clearly told not to" he said and grabbed my waist and I went into his chest we were very close and it felt very uncomfortable, and I could smell his strong clone, which smelt so good.

That's when I realised how short i am next to him.
Gosh I love tall boys.
My head was right on his chest and when ever I had to talk to him it was like looking at the sky.

The more I get to know him the more I fall in love.

"Please let me go" I said
"I'm sorry, I just thought you were here, I was looking for you" I added.

"Well here I am shorty" he said.
"What do you what" he added

Then I went silent.

"I was going to tell you.." I said then his lips interrupted me.

What the- he's kissing me ....
But I stood there in shock and things were going across my head...

It's my first kiss, but i didn't kiss him back.

What is he thinking.. He could just kiss me like that? On the first day we meet, and he doesn't have any feelings for me. I'm lost in him falling every time I see him while he just plays around with every girl.
When I was at work, I saw him with so many different girls everyday.

I slapped his chest indicating him to stop, but he was biting my lips hard.

"Stop,please....st-" I said after every time I had a split of a second breath. His hand was around my waist and I couldn't get out of his grip.

Then tears just dropped and he felt it so he finally let go.

"I'm sorry- I- didn't mean t-" he whispered.

I just slapped him across the cheek, then made my way out to the door.

I spent the night crying. He is using me for fun.? This is so stupid, I'm leaving tomorrow and not coming back. I only accepted this because on the contract.. I thought.... But I knew I couldn't because the contract was for a year.... But I'm still going to try and leave....

I was completely lost... No where to go....


7:30 I woke up the next morning I usually wake up 7am but since I plane to leave I woke up later... I had work but I guess I was quitting and leaving this house for sure... Not going to stay with this idiot.

I packed my stuff and opened my bedroom door then saw Cameron opening his door.
He was caring his laptop and looked at me.

"Good morning- wait- what are you doing" he said confused.

"I'm leaving" I said making my way out.

"Wait.. What about the contract.." he shouted.

But I didn't listen and keeps on walking.
Then he grabbed my wrist and made me turn towards him.

"Why?" He said in an angry tone.

Why angry? Does he even care?

"Because I kissed you" he added with a confused face.

I nodded looking at the ground.

"Ok, l- I won't do it again, just don't leave, you know my parents... Will give my share away to my brother.. And your just going to ignore the contract.." he said in a sad face.

Sad? Why though I thought he didn't like me. Gosh he's so confusing... Oh duh? The contract.! I should have known.

"Ok, fine... Under one condition that you want ever kiss me again..." I said in a serious tone.

"But your my wife" he said

I looked at him... With and eyebrow raised. Like it's just a contract even though we're halal but I want to be with someone who actually loves me.

"Ok fine, I won't unless you want me too" he whispered in a flirting tone.

Gosh this guy.
My mouth dropped.
He laughed at my shocked and blushing face and took my suitcase in side.

"Breakfast is on the table" he said walking down the stairs and I followed.

"By the way, I was going to give you this ring, well since we're married" he said while eating his breakfast.

"Wow it looks beautiful" I said in excitement then took it from him and wore it and took a look at it again.
"Thanks" I said.
He smiled.

"And there is mine" he said showing me his hand.
I smiled.

"So umm.. Do you want to do a wedding?" He said looking at me.

"To be honest no, I don't like having a wedding and since our marriage is based on a contract. I say we just say that we're married but don't wanna have a wedding" I said looking at his blue,green eyes.

Gosh they were beautiful...

"Up to you, sweet heart" he said with a smile.
I smiled back.

We finished breakfast, and went off to work.

Cameron's Pov:

I lied about the contract and I lied that my parents would give half of my share of the company to my brother. In fact I don't have parents they died in a car crash 2 years ago and like her.. I was the only child.

I lied to her about everything...
Just to get what I want.. Which is HER.


Thank you so much for reading.
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And I'm out. 💜

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