[Chapter 10] Jealousy.

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Authors note:
I updated because some of you really wanted another chapter. Here you go! Enjoy ||

>>Maryam's POV<<

I looked at Cam giving him a signal to be more polite while putting down a tray of 3 glasses of juice as he was asking Bilal random questions.

What's up with his mood change I wondered.

"We where childhood friends and we become best friends in 12th grade then-" Bilal smiled looking at me.

"Then we lost contact because my parents moved houses, now here we are." I said smiling back at Bilal.

Bilal was not a Muslim. Even though his name sounded Islamic.  We where friends from 3rd grade to 12th grade and after that we lost contact.

Cam looked back at me with his eyebrows crossed as if he didn't like what he was hearing. Gosh those eyes and how they where focused on me, I just wanted to melt into his blue ice eyes.

"I heard about your parents, I'm sorry for your loss Maryam. I'm always here if you need anything."Said Bilal looking very sad

"Thank you Bilal it means a lot." I said back.

I turned to Cam but his eyes where glued to the ground thinking about something but the sad look spoke louder.

We stayed in silence drinking our drinks.

"And how did you find shorty? And what the hell are you doing in my house?" Cam asked to lighten up the mood.

"Cam" I said Shaking my head to let him now to be more polite, but he looked back at Bilal.

"It's ok Maryam." Bilal said smiling.

He was a guy of smiles.

"I found Maryam through Jessica, she told me all about you and how you have to crash here until you find a place of your own."
He's sad looking down at the

I looked at cam and his eyes where looking at me telling me something, I smiled figuring it out.

Jessica was an old friend that me and Bilal met in 10th grade. I never lost contact with her because after a while her family also moved to my city but I completely lost Bilal and seeing him today made me soo happy.
I did tell Jessica about me and Cam but not everything not because I don't trust her but because I didn't have enough time and since I moved here I only spoke to her a couple of times because she is busy with her university and me here with work. I'm not sure how Bilal and Jessica met but I'm glad the bestfriend squad is back.

"So I just came to visit and see you because it's been a very long time since we haven't seen each other." He finished off.

"I'm so happy to see you, so what are you busy with now?." I asked Bilal.

"Thank you and it's a pleasure to met you again well I'm looking for work at the moment to do when I'm on a break because you know me I don't like having nothing to do" He smiled looking at me as if cam was never there.

We talked more after that. Cam just stayed in silence listening to the conversation.

After a while Bilal left and we exchanged contacts.

I closed the door behind him as Bilal left.
I looked at Cam sitting in  the living room.

"I have some work to do so let's cancel the plans for today." He said waking to his mini office.

I watched Netflix all by myself for the whole day until dinner time.

I cooked pasta for dinner. I decided to call Cam since he's been in his room all day. I knocked on his door and no answer. So I walked in. He was lying down on his muscular arms laying his head on the table sleeping. I went closer until i was very close. I took a deep breath and stared at his handsome face.
How can someone be so handsome. His eyebrows where dark brown in colour. His hair all pushed up words very nicely. His face very smooth and his lips gosh those lips.. My stomach felt butterflies when I remembered our kiss.

Suddenly he opened his eyes catching me off guard. Seeing his sky blue eyes gave me goosebumps.

"Am I that handsome?" He smirked

"Dinner is ready." I said changing the topic and quickly getting myself out of his office before anything suddenly happens.

I went to my room and fell asleep.


"You ruined my life" she said chocking me.

"I didn't do anything please let go of me." I shouted.

I was so scared of her.
She was white.
Tall. So tall that when she was choking me my foot was way off the ground.
A ghost?

"I will kill youuuu..!" She shouted.

"No please nooo." I shouted back.

She let go of me. What that was it?

Then she grabbed cam.
Wait what where did Cam come from? I thought I was alone.

"I will kill him instead." She shouted grabbing something in her pocket.

A knife.

"Noooooo-" I shouted and cried at the same time.


"No no no Ya Allah !!!"
I shouted then I woke up.

It was all a dream. Dreams always sound dumb when explaining but scary when you actually go through it.

I looked at the time it was  2am. I was so scared in the dark. I just couldn't sleep. I was too scared to even walk out of my room.

I recited Ayatl Kursi (A prayer that keeps you away from anything that's harmful)

That calmed me down a little.

"Ya Allah I'm so scared." I said to my self.
I couldn't stay in that room so I ran out of my room.

Without thinking or knocking I walked into cams room.

"Cam" I whispered into his ears.

He wasn't a heavy sleeper because just with that he opened his eyes. I took a step back just not to scare him. Even though his lamp light was on but it was on dip.

"Are you ok?" He asked confused and sitting up in his bed.

"Sorry I just had a nightmare, I can't sleep or stay in my room." I explained looking behind me as if the lady was following me.

He smiled. "Come here." He lifted his blanket up patting next to him with his hands.

Without a doubt I went in his bed and slept next to him finding my self shaking because of my dream. I faced the other way having my back towards him of embarrassment. 

Then I felt his warm arm rapping around me and the shaking stopped but my heart was pumping as if it was coming out of my chest. My face red of shyness. His arms gave me a shock that went all the way to my toes.

His put his lips next to my ears and whispered.
"Everything is going to be ok because I'm here. I promise." He said kissing my ear.

And laid  his forehead pushing it against my back.

OH MY GOD. What's happening. My heart was beating way tooo fast.
I just stayed there in silence.

I closed my eyes then feel a sleep without remembering the dream.


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Thank you so much for reading. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Peace until the next chapter....💕🌷


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