New Friendship

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Chapter 4: "New Friendship"

"Aya-senpai, is a very good swimmer. I didn't realize she would swim with such competitiveness in that relay. She reminds me of Rin-senpai a lot. I'm very impressed."

I hear Nitori say my name over and over on how great I was. I didn't need that much compliments on my swimming. I'm not that great of a swimmer anyways compared to Haru and everyone else. I looked at Rin who exactly looked at me at the same time.

"You're getting kind of heavy for me to hold," he whispered.

Hey, I didn't weigh that much. I made a face at him. He rolled his eyes. I see him lay his back on the wall, while holding me. His stare was completely silent.

"Hey, how do you know Sousuke?" he asked me, looking away.

I held onto him a bit, in a hugging position while he held me.

"Long story short, he used to be my ex-boyfriend. Were okay now, I guess."

He still looked away.

"Hmm. That explains it."



We were both quiet this time, until Rin looked at me straight in the eyes.

"Do you have~~"

His words stopped when we both heard a knock on the bathroom stall. I covered my mouth this time.

"Rin, are you done in there? You've been in there for a long time."

It was Makoto. My whole body froze when I heard him. I made eye contact with Rin, giving him the command to talk to him. I hear him give a sigh this time.

"I'm almost done. Just been in here thinking with the presence of water, like Haru does."

He said it loudly and you can hear Haru say shut up on the other side. I hear Makoto giggle a bit at Rin's lame joke. I see him shut off the water and all we can hear is the laughter of the other guys in the stalls. The vibe between Rin and Makoto felt weird to feel. I had a feeling they were going to talk about something, or maybe I could be hallucinating.

"Do you need to ask me something, Makoto?"

"It's not a question, but it's more like my apologies. I'm sorry for what happened earlier. I over reacted."

Rin was quiet this time and suddenly pinch my cheek lightly. It felt like it was a sign of not to worry about him bashing Makoto in the face.

"It's alright, Makoto. I don't hate my good friends that easily over a small thing. Everything is all. But I also..should apologize on my part as well."

Of course, I continued to stay quiet. While I heard the both of them talk, I wanted to smile on how much Makoto can give the most respects. I felt a smile grow on my face. I really wanted to speak so much because I felt like; I also need to apologize for what I said to him. I'm pushing him away, and that's not my attention to do so. I care for Makoto, a lot more that I thought I would. But the feelings aren't connected, or maybe I can't see it. There was definitely no way I could un-friend him.

"Okay. Well, I'll let you finish up. Me and everyone else will see you outside."

We hear him tap the stall and walk off, hearing him yell at Haru for taking too long in taking a shower and probably just staying there because of the water. When they all finally went out, Rin put me down, and started to stretch. I bowed to him, giving my apologies. If it weren't for me, this situation wouldn't happen. I quickly headed out to the woman's stalls and quickly changed. I lightly slapped both my cheeks so it wouldn't look so blushy. I couldn't get the fact that I was naked in the same stall with Rin. I shook the thought off and grabbed my bag and rushed out. Once I did that, I bumped into Sousuke along the way.

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