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Chapter Two: "Overprotective"

I finally opened my eyes looking at the clock on the dresser, and I slowly up rubbing my eyes for a bit. I felt like my stomach wanted to throw up but I didn't feel like it. We definitely all had enjoyable night. I get up to get out of the room and there was no sight of the guys. Did they leave me here at Makoto's alone? I scratched my head and went back into Makoto's room just to go use the bathroom. Not even noticing once I opened the door, I see a bulky man in front of me. I stood still, staring at the figure. I watched as his face was turning a bit red.

"A-Aya..Hey..You're finally awake?"

I did not budge and kept staring. Those green eyes stared me down and suddenly pushes me onto the bed, now on top of me. His wet hair was dripping on my face, and his wetness was literally waking me up.

"Fuck you."

I told Makoto who was laughed out loud.

That was the only thing I could of said. He decides to pull on my shirt, and I went wide eyed.

"Is that really how you are going to say good morning to me, when I let you stay at my place? How rude of you," he said.

Now I gave a glare and tugged on his ear.

"Get off me you, perv!"

I lift my legs and pushed him off. He continued to laugh.

"You know I was kidding!"

"Don't play like that towards me, come on, man."

All he did was pat me on the head while he laughed and went back in the bathroom, drying his whole body and hair up.

I had to go get my backpack that I brought with me here to Tokyo out of his closet, getting some clothes out and a towel.

I watched as Makoto was drying his hair and I continued to give a face. I have no idea what has gotten into Makoto, he would never act so close to me. Ever since last night, he has been acting weird. Maybe it was just my imagination. I shook the thought off and kicked Makoto out of the bathroom so I can use it.


"You took too long. Go away, perv!"

I hear him giggle for a bit and then he left the room.

Few minutes later~

I see Makoto cooking food while I head out to the living room. It felt a bit weird being alone with Makoto in his place. It was a way different atmosphere compared to being alone in Haru's place. I watched as Makoto was humming some song, I don't even know of while he was preparing food.

I stared at Makoto, mesmerized by the look of him. He was handsome, his gentlemen personality was on point, and he can cook compared to the other guys in the group. He is just that guy a woman wants to marry. Well, not me. That's what I see in him. He was a crybaby back when we were kids, so it's a bit surprising to see him like this. He caught me staring at him and smiled. I looked away with a blush forming my face. To out the weird crap I had to ask where the guys went.

"Hey, where did everyone go?"

Makoto started placing food on the table as I walked over to help him out.

"They went for a jog."

"Even if they drank so much last night?"

"Were all strong men, we can handle it."

"Why didn't you jog with them?"

Makoto handed me a plate.

"I couldn't leave the princess alone. So, I decide to stay back and cook some breakfast for everyone and especially you."

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