Chapter 10

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"Sia? Hayley hummed and twirled one of her short blonde pigtails around her finger, puckering her lips. 

“Mhmm?” I turned to my side on the lounge bed. Hayley’s groomed eyebrows had a slight frown to them while her eyes were thoroughly focused on the iPAD she rested against her lap.

I reached for a bottle of tanning oil and rubbed some more on my waist and down my legs, since I still haven’t reach the level of suntan I desired.

“I need a romantic alternative for ‘nipples’…” She chewed on the inside of her cheek.

 If I haven’t mentioned it already, Hayley was a writer. Well, she wrote erotic fiction about some troubled, promiscuous young woman, which was selling ridiculously well, earning her a small fortune. 

I tilted my head back and burst out laughing. “Are we going to get paid for contributing to your oh so significant work?” Saffy batted her eyelashes sarcastically and Hayley shushed her buy slapping her arm.

“You’re mean!” Hayley said to Sapphire annoyedly. “How about…Rosebuds?” She pondered, taking two handfuls of air.  “No…Love buttons! Yeah…” She whispered and began tapping the screen rapidly.

“I can’t believe people read that.” I shook my head in disbelief and rolled to my stomach, fastening my oversized sunglasses on my nose. I sighed in bliss and stretched my toned arms, which were a bit sore for the intense workout I did the previous day.

“People love Sabina!” Hayley called defensively, referring to her heroine. She had published around a dozen books and sometimes I wonder if she writes all of that from experience. Suddenly, Sapphire and Hayley grinned broadly and looked away from me, giggling.

Just as I began wondering why they did that, a male voice drew my attention. “Is this seat free?” A guy who was about the same age as us asked while pointing to the vacant lounge chair next to me. I had to admit that he was quite handsome, not to mention in great physical shape.

“Suite yourself.” I smiled and took a sip from my Mojito while still keeping an eye on him.

“I’m Mike.” He reach his hand out and I shook it faintly.

“Sia.” I said and his expression dropped, leaving him looking quite offended.

“Whoa, okay, that was rude.” He frowned and got up.

“No, I mean-“ I sighed, people always thought I was shaking them off. “It’s Sia, a short for Sierra. Not see ya…” I mumbled, it happened to me an awful lot.

“Oh, sorry then.” He laughed, looking way relieved and soon sat back down. Right when our conversation began flowing in an interesting direction, Mike drifted off. His gaze went up and I soon felt a shadow block the sun that warmed my back. I turned around to see Brian standing there, definitely not very pleased.

“Piss off.” He told Mike bluntly, who seemed like he was thinking of confronting Brian, but after taking another look at him, gave up and soon hurried off.

“Jee, thanks a lot.” I huffed angrily, crossing my arms over my chest. It probably wasn’t the brightest move on my side because even though he had his signature aviators on, I could totally feel his eyes staring at my full cleavage. “You really have no boundaries.” I mumbled.

In the corner of my eyes, I could see Sapphire and Hayley watching us eagerly, eavesdropping shamelessly.

“Yeah well I didn’t like the way he was looking at you.” Brian said defensively. He came over empty handed, which only meant that intimidating the poor guy was his only purpose.

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