Chapter 22

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Double update! Gotta love those! Please vote and comment!


Brian growled grumpily and hooked his finger inside the belt loop at the back of my skinny jeans, pulling me back. “What?” I gasped, barely able to prevent myself from falling back and crushing us both onto the ground, considering how drunk and dysfunctional Brian was.

“My car.” Brian stated in a low grunt and blocked my way. It was never too good when he was so drunk that he began acting like a dirty pirate, and I sure hoped hadn’t reached that state.  

“No…” I shook my head slowly, trying to make out whether he understood what I was saying. “Me, sober.” I pointed at myself. “You, hammered.” My finger turned to him. “Understand? If you drive, we die.” I mouthed slowly.

For some bizarre reason that was only clear to his drunken mind, Brian burst out laughing. “Babe I’m not that shitfaced. I was just messing with you, I haven’t lost my senses yet.” Brian smirked, his tone of voice much closer to its normal, low one.

“Oh haven’t you really?” I rolled my eyes and shoved him inside the passenger seat. “Because by the looks of it you have, especially when judging by that idiotic drinking game you guys played.” I muttered. “Go on, buckle up!” I said, handing him the seatbelt buckle.

You do it.” He stuck his bottom lip out and lay back in the seat, tilting it all the way backwards. “And its an ingenious game. You take a shot whenever someone farts, it’s just natural babe.” He licked the outside of his bottom lip. I wasn’t even going to respond to that, I just wanted come home and get in bed already.

Though at the pit of my stomach I knew very well that it was not going to happen, especially not at the state Brian was at. I just didn’t trust him to stay home alone when hammered like this, god only knows what trouble he could possibly get himself into when unsupervised.

“Gosh, you’re such a-“ I groaned and climbed into his seat, struggling to buckle him up, because he kept pushing me off jokingly.

“Ooh boobies.” Brian growled, like a beast going in for the kill. With a swift motion I restrained his sneaky hands, preventing him from feeling me up, and fastened his seatbelt.

“Child!” I finished my initial sentence and rolled onto the driver’s seat. “Brian, c’mon, straighten up.” I sighed, anxious to finally pull out of Zack's driveway.

“Oh I’m straightened up. Even erect, I may say.” Brian turned his face to me, beaming like a ray of sunshine. He smirked cunningly and bucked his crotch. I couldn’t help but chuckle quietly. Even when this pathetic and intoxicated, he sent my heart pounding like crazy with affection.

“You’re such a moron.” I navigated the steering wheel to the right and checked the rearview mirror, trying my hardest not to bump into Jimmy’s car. I wasn’t the best driver, not the stereotypical girl driver at least. On the contrary, I was wild and impulsive, so my friends always thought twice before riding with me. “You need rehab.” I looked at him promptly in the corner of my eyes.

“Nah.” Brian shook his hand in dismissal and finally pulled his seat back into a vertical position, but only to go on and make a total mess in the car’s modular storage compartments. “I need to get laid!” He scolded in a tone of voice that bordered on a growl. Then his hand dove inside of his jeans, and he groped his package shamelessly.

“Ya know-“ I said in a matter of fact tone, “They say alcohol and nicotine discourage sexual drive-“

“Bullshit.” Brian cut me off rudely and hissed victoriously when he managed to find a creased pack of bubble gum stuck in between the seat and the cup holder. “Want some?” He handed me a cracked, squished ball gum. “It has a surprise candy center.” He coaxed me.

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