Chapter 17

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Hey everyone! Updating again! I hope you like this so please vote and comment! If the feedback's good I'll upload more tomorrow!


“Damn, Sierra’s as hot as fuck.” Matt slurred drunkenly while watching the girls go wild on the dance floor.

“Yeah, she’s hella sexy.” Johnny agreed, his fingers rotating his half empty jug of beer on the coaster.

“I tapped that.” Matt wiggled his eyes proudly, a smug smile tugged on the corners of his lips, extenuating his dimples. “What the fuck dude-!” Matt ducked after Jimmy slapped him roughly across the head.

“Don’t you happen you have a girlfriend?” Jimmy cocked an eyebrow, popping salty nuts into his mouth. “And besides, Sia’s Syn’s girl, leave her alone.” He said somewhat warningly.

“Oh please, don’t act like such a righteous fag. Hayley’s not my girlfriend. She puts out, she’s smoking and hella cool. I got nothing to lose.” Matt shrugged, taking a drag from his cigarette and exhaling ringlets of smoke in Jimmy’s face. “And she’s far from being Syn’s girl-“ Matt pointed his cigarette bud at Sierra, who had her arms wrapped around a tall, toned man who held her hips plastered to his groin.

“Still, it’s not cool.” Jimmy shrugged and watched Brian in the corner of his eye. He sat at the other side of the bar with Bianca. They were laughing and it seemed like they were sharing a great moment, and Sierra was nowhere near his thoughts. “You think he’s over her?” Jimmy curiously asked no one in particular.

“He’s a complete tool if he is. I mean yeah, this Bianca chick is cool but nowhere near Sia, in no way.” Matt gave his side of the story. “I mean just look at her…and that body, damn…” Matt licked his lips while his eyes burnt into Sierra. “They sure as hell know how to make them tight in South America.”

“Just…shut up.” Johnny sighed and hit Matt the same way Jimmy did before, because Hayley was slowly making her way to them.

“Hey babyyy…” She giggled playfully and laced her fingers with Matt’s. “Come dance with me!” She batted her false eyelashes and tried pulling him up to his feet. “Mattie, comeee! I felt really lonely there all by myself…” Hayley kissed his lips seductively, visibly licking his lower lip before sucking it into his mouth.

Matt’s large hands soon found Hayley’s tiny waist and kissed back. “Well c’mon dude, go.” Brian and Bianca appeared out of nowhere and Brian teasingly nudged Matt with his foot. “Don’t keep her waiting.” He said smugly.

“Oooh, hey guys!” I grinned cheerfully when Hayley accidentally bumped into me, as she was watching Matt instead of her step. “This is Manuel.” I bit my lip, introducing my newfound sexual interest. “He’s from Puerto Rico. He’s in Huntington for the Surfing tournament.” I chuckled, and to my great surprise, they welcomed him with open arms.

No need to mention that he was my type exactly. Tall, ripped, dark eyed and black haired. What more could I ask for?

“Qué bebes?” Manuel asked me while getting our drinks from the bar.

“Martini!” I called back, puckering my lips, sending him kisses. “Gosh, he’s so fine.” I sighed, my gaze shamelessly fixed on his rear. I didn’t want to be cautious anymore, I was tired of watching my step. I wanted to let loose, and have fun, put all the drama behind me. I wanted to get in bed with a mouth-wateringly hot man who would rock my world into the night.

And I was going to do it.

There was no need to tell me I looked good. I knew I had the goods, and I learnt how to work them in my favor. I could really care less about Brian and his pretty little doll. He was officially a gross, quivering cockroach to me. I opened my heart up to him and he spat in my face, and I as hell wasn’t going to give him a second chance.

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