Сhapter 12

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Muscle cars drove a truck right through my heart…

I lowered the volume of my car’s music player, and reached for my phone while stopping at a red light. My acrylic nails tapped the screen and I soon dialed the number I was looking for, listening to the dial tone while it rang on loud speaker.

Myfingers tapped the leather steering wheel nervously and no one seemed to pick up. Right when I was about to shut it off, Brian’s voice came from the other line.

“Sup?” He asked in his deep vet soft voice. In the background, I could hear him chewing on something.

“Mmm doing well.” I nodded and took the turn for our neighborhood. “Hey Brian? Will you be free within the next umm maybe… five minutes?” I chuckled nervously.

His voice lit up, “Yeah, sure, why?” He asked me.

“I need help with the groceries… Laura sent me this huge list that I could barely even fit into my trunk, and it’s an SUV I drive! So I need an extra pair of hands.” I explained cheerfully.

“Oh.” I heard Brian mumble, his sounded a bit bummed. He soon shook it off and spoke again. “Yeah, totally, you’ll call me?” He cleared his throat.

“No, just wait for me at my driveway. I’ll be there in a sec.” I giggled.

“Sure, no prob.” He said quickly.

“Ight, awesome. Thanks, you’re a real pal.” I said cheerfully before hanging up. It took me less than five minutes to pull up into my driveway and Brian was already there waiting for me.

Brian looked like he just rolled out of bed. His black hair looked squished and all messy at the back. He wore a loose sleeveless shirt and a pair of camo shorts. Actually, it was fairly possible that he had indeed just woken up, because it was pretty damn early.

“Hey!” I jumped out of the driver’s seat and wrapped my arms around him. It has been a week since we had that awkward encounter with the authorities and we haven’t spoken much since. He didn’t ask anything, and I was as hell not going to bring it up. “You’re quick.” I added

“Well I only had to walk next door so…” He mumbled against the side of my head.

Brian hugged me back loosely, or maybe tiredly, I don’t know, but he looked kind of distant.“You okay?” I cocked an eyebrow.

“Yeah I’m dope, why wouldn’t I be?” Brian shrugged and flashed me a toothy grin. “Just had a busy night, that’s all.” Brian added and smirked smugly to himself.

“Oooh, okay…” I said in a sing song voice but couldn’t help but wonder what he was up to, and all that could come to my mind were thoughts of Brian getting it on with some random girl. I didn’t want to dwell upon it, it wasn’t any of my business anyways. “C’mon.” I motioned for him to come closer when I popped the trunk open and sighed, looking at all the paper bags stuffed into it.

“Remind me again why you drive this monster around?” Brian asked and his hand caressed the black paint coat of my car

“Because I’m badass.” I smirked and shoved the groceries into his hands.

“That you are.” He replied just as smugly and took as much bags as he could before making his way inside my house. Soon all the groceries were carefully placed on my kitchen table and I sighed in relief.

My Heart's Apocalypse (Synyster Gates)Where stories live. Discover now