Chapter 28

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Double update! Don't read this chapter if you haven't rad the previous one!!!! if you have, then I hope you like this one!


“I love a good con.” Deacon said as I closed the door to my house without us. I’ve had quite a few cocktails at the charity event we attended, those waiters kept refilling my glasses like there was no tomorrow.

I nodded slowly, smacking my lips together as I looked into his eyes. The nostalgia that filled me up, mixed with the high level of alcohol in my blood system, make me forget all about Deacon’s evil, cunning nature. “Yeah, that went well.” I grinned and waved the fat cheques of money we’ve ripped people off, just like back in the day.

“That’s not the one I meant.” Deacon said in a low voice and drew closer to me, backing me up against the wall. His hand closed on my wrist and he squeezed it so tightly that the chequebook fell out of my hand onto the floor.

“You’re not very bright baby, are you?” He chuckled evilly and his other hand travelled up to my throat. “You fell straight into my web, just the way I planned.” His fingers caressed my face and I was stricken with pure terror. “Did you honestly think that I would fall for you little act? That’s insulting, you know I’m not dumb.” He breathed down my face and my knees began shaking.

“I don’t know what you’re talking-“ I played it innocent but it turned out to be an awful decision, because he groaned in rage and slammed me against the wall, causing the back of my head to hit it painfully.

“Don’t lie to me bitch!” Deacon hollered in my face. The forced blow to my head hurt so badly that I blacked out for a second and I couldn’t even make out a word he was saying. Just when I found my balance again, he hit me hard.  “Where is my fucking diamond?!” He yelled at me.

“I don’t know!” I lied, but the tears I cried were genuine. “Deacon, please-“ I sobbed, shaking with fear. I knew what he was capable of, and I could start saying my goodbyes to the world right then and there.

“That’s how you’re gonna play it?” Deacon grunted and roughly grabbed the roots of my hair, violently pushing me forwards to the living room. “Is it there?” He asked roughly and tossed me towards my chests of drawers, all while holding me in place and skillfully studying me reaction. “No, it isn’t.” He concluded.

“You better start speaking up, or I’ll cut you so slowly and painfully that you’ll be begging me to kill you.” He said to me threateningly and I took advantage of his standing so close to me to kick his abdomen with my stiletto as hard as I could. He choked up and his fingers released my hair. As soon as my hands touched the floor, I started running up my stairs.

“Sierra! You’ll be so fucking sorry-“ I heard him yell viciously but my mind was focused on one thing alone, which was to get to my gun as soon as possible. My shoes were horribly uncomfortable and far from sturdy, which limited my movements.

I could hear Deacon’s heavy footsteps follow me and as soon as I was in my room, I shut the door in an attempt to buy myself a few more seconds of freedom. I darted to my nightstand and took my gun out. Right when my fingers closed on it, he kicked the door open. “Don’t even think about it.” He said when he saw the gun in my shaking hands.

He was intimidating confident and kept pacing towards me, as if I wasn’t pointing a gun to him whatsoever. “Don’t get closer!” I warned as the tears continued to fall down my cheeks.

“Oh please Sierra don’t make me laugh, you wouldn’t hurt a fly.” Deacon commented coldly. He was right, I couldn’t do it. I was destined to fail. And then the world around me began to spin and I could barely make out what was going on.

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