Chapter 25

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I walked down the stairs lazily, glancing at my vintage clock when it came to my sight. It was already late noon and I couldn’t believe that Brian and I had slept for so long. Though he did wear me out, granted.

I smiled playfully when I noticed him in my kitchen. It was cure how he never just evaporated into thin air after we spent a night together. He always stayed around to spend the rest of the day with me, which posed a blissful get away from my life, which turned into a hectic mess lately.

“Hey there.” I smiled while tiptoeing to kiss his lips. Brian put his afternoon beer down to circle my thin waist with his arms, and kiss me back. Every time our lips touched, my heart overflowed with pure joy and happiness. Brian made me feel incredibly welcome and wanted, and there was nothing more I could wish for.

His warm, feathery lips caressed mine ever so gently and I let myself get lost in the intoxicating taste of his mouth, and the lightness of his steady breath on my skin. All I wanted was to forget about everything worrying and troublesome. Brian was my source of air and strength when the cruel reality kept relentlessly suffocating me with its threats and ransom notes.

A high pitched whistle pierced my ear and before I could even put my mind around what was going on, the vase on my counter burst into millions of pieces, scattering bits of glass everywhere.

My heart flipped inside of my chest and I felt Brian’s hands close on my waist as he pulled me against his chest and to the ground, crouching to keep me safe. We sprung again when two more gunshots fired through my panoramic front window, leaving two deep dents inside the wall.

“Motherfucker!” I snapped shakily, my blood boiling inside of my veins. “Get down!” I gasped when Brian got off the floor and I pushed him back down. “Don’t move.” I commanded, pushing against his chest to make him obey.

As I expected, one last bullet shredded my window into pieces, leaving it an empty frame. “What the fuck was that?!” Brian called, breathing hard while he got back on his feet.

“Deacon’s gangsters, that’s what it fucking was!” I muttered angrily under my breath. My mind was on autopilot and I didn’t even turn to look at Brian. I turned on my heels and ran up the stairs into my bedroom.

My heart thumped inside of my chest with pure loath and hatred. I changed into my black thigh high boots and paired them with a short black dress. Adrenaline coursed through every single cell of mine, making my hands shake as I stuffed my knife into the side of my boot.

“Sierra, what the-“ Brian eyes widened in shock when he saw me rushing down the stairs with my gun in my hands. “Where are you going?” He asked, grabbing my wrist as I stormed past him, making me stumble backward.

“Where I fucking belong.” I hissed. I shouldn’t have treated him so harshly but the only thing that was going through my mind was preventing the possibility of a scene like this happening ever again. I couldn’t risk Brian’s safety and I couldn’t make him pay for my past. So I had shit to take care of.

“Sia, it’s dangerous!” Brian insisted. “And you can’t go dressed like this!” He exclaimed, pointing at my minimal, provocative attire. “Sierra, it’s not the way-“

“It is the way! The only fucking one!” I burst, my emotions overflowing me. “You don’t fucking know what it is like! It feels like hell, it is motherfucking hell! And I can afford you getting fucking shot because of me, so let me go, it’s not your call!” I pushed him off me, fighting hard against the tears that stung the corners of my eyes.

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