Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

       "Holy fuck."

       I hardly cussed, usually never- but as a pair of eyes so lightening blue that I could feel their electricity pierce my soul, locked on mine- it seemed fitting. He had seen me. The King of the North had seen my fumble and was staring up at me in a gaze that froze the very air in my lungs.

       Our eyes locked, my heart stopped, and his curious hooded head tilted to the side. There was this sudden disturbing feeling in my stomach- one that turned uneasily and made me want to hurl. I groaned as my grip on the edge turned my knuckles white.

       Oh my God-

       He was gorgeous.

       The rumors and tales of his beauty from the South were nothing compared to the- the- thing who was staring up at me now. I gulped. "What? What is it?" Mae hissed as she peeked up from her hiding spot.

       I couldn't stop her- couldn't pull her away before she saw the damage I had caused. I was as frozen as a statue. "Oh my God- Emrie he's looking right at us! We need to go! Now!" I didn't argue with her as she tore my hand from the edge and dragged me back towards the ladder.

       I couldn't break eye contact with him. I physically could not. Something in those lightening eyes was holding me captive and refusing to let go. It made panic flare in my chest. I felt like I was in a trance- like my body was only agreeing to follow Mae down the ladder because that was what I needed to do to get closer to him.

       I was too dumb to realize how truly terrified I was. The spell was broken as those terrifyingly beautiful eyes glanced at the frantic girl pulling me towards the ladder. I felt air suddenly return to my lungs as his electric gaze hardened and his hands gripped tightly onto the arm rests of his throne.

       Definitely time to go.

       I finally tore my eyes off him before he could lock our gazes again and rushed down the ladder after Mae. Oh my God- We took off running in a vicious sprint the minute our feet hit solid ground. I didn't care about sneaking around anymore, or being quiet. Our main goal was to get the hell out of there as fast as possible.

       I was terrified that one of his infamous huge warriors would jump out of the houses surrounding us and tear at our throats with their sharp fang-like teeth. I ran faster. We were just at the edge of the village, no guard in sight, when the shouting started. Loud, deep, male voices rang throughout the whole town as the sound of stomping feet pounded the pavement.

       "Run Mae!" I shouted as we burst out of the village and ran full speed into the dense trees of the forest. Our only hope was that the thick foliage and the snow falling heavily from sky would cover our presence. But against wolf-bornes- I doubted we would make it out of there alive. Especially since he saw us- the very he that sent cities trembling at the near thought of.

       My heart pounded viciously in my chest as fear coursed through my body. He had seen me. We had locked gazes! The King of the North saw an intruder with his very own terrifyingly gorgeous eyes, and I had no doubt that the feeling creeping down my spine was death. I was going to die today.

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