Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

       I wasn't sure if it was because Terif had made such a big deal about keeping their history and myths a secret, or that Eirik held on so tightly to the belief of their God, but just hearing Adranus's name slip from her lips made the hairs on my arms stand, and caused my eyes to narrow defensively.

       I knew little of the wolf-bornes myths and legends while living at the bottom of the Mountain, and I had thought she didn't either, but I'm sure I was wrong about that like everything else.

       "What do you know of Adranus?" I was surprised at the threatening tone in voice, and at how my brow narrowed in a scowl, but she didn't seem to mind at all.

       "That he is the wolf-borne's god, and he fell looking for you."

       I couldn't stop my head from shaking, or from taking a few uneasy steps away from her. Gods, this was too much to take in in what sitting. I was finally getting answers, even if they seemed completely insane. But it was something.

       "He doesn't exist. Their story is just a myth."

       "It's not, and you know it. I showed you the craters, Emrie. I showed you the coffin you were hidden in. I'm taking you to that very cave. The sooner you accept the truth, the easier it will be."

       I didn't bother answering her, and instead turned my face towards the cool wind blowing across the Mountain and started walking down the path again.

       "You wanted answers. You can't run away when you realize they weren't what you were expecting." She grumbled behind me, but didn't try to touch me again as she hurried to catch up.

       "It's just... it's just so much to try and believe." I sighed loudly and slowed down enough for her to fall easily in step beside me. "My memories seem so real, Mae. And what you're saying just... doesn't."

       "I know. I'm sure I wouldn't believe it either if I were you."

       I tried to let my mind stay as open as possible, to try and accept the possibility that maybe, just maybe, everything she was saying was true. I needed to see that cave.

       "They were trying to use me to find him." I muttered under the dark recesses of my cloak as I watched our feet step over the pristine white of the snow. I saw her nod out of the corner of my eye.

       "Yes, but discovering you were mated to the King threw a wrench in their plans. Until they discovered the part of the god's soul residing in him."

       My breath caught in my throat at her words, and my eyes snapped over to her as she eased over a fallen branch. "How do you know about that?" My voice was a shocked hiss as it passed my cold lips, but she simply shrugged and pulled her cloak further around her.

       "The same way they saw that you were the star. They were good at seeing unearthly beings like that."

       The Elders, how... manipulative they were. Perhaps- perhaps it was a good thing Eirik had ended them. If what Mae said were true, then they had caused more harm and turmoil then anyway I had ever known, including North.

       But they were not the only ones who thought the god existed, and was still roaming the Mountain. The seer, Liberius, had mentioned something about it also. About using me to draw Adranus out, to take his power.

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