Chapter 31

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My New Years gift to all of you :D

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Chapter 31


       I jerked away with a start as a deep, rather angry voice slipped past my ears. I groaned and rubbed at my lower back that was stiff from sleeping on the ground, as my eyes blinked over to the bars of our cold, damp cage. I had no idea how long we had been down there for, but it couldn't have been more than a day. A day of misery and panic.

       Bright blue eyes blinked over at me, the only light shining around the dark room. The relief that swamped my chest was short lived as the fury radiating off the wolf-borne king registered in my brain.


       His growl was followed by four others, their owners all standing behind him like giant, angry mountains in the large opening behind the bars. The ruby pressed against my chest surged.

       Mae was still sleeping at my side, oblivious to the wrath that was about to rain down on us, and I gently reached over and shook her awake as the North's large hands wrapped around the thick iron bars. She groaned and swatted at my hands, but as the loud sound of tearing rock and iron rang throughout the cave, she shot up like a rabbit.

       "What the hell was that-!" Her words died in her throat, and her cheeks instantly paled as she saw the four large Generals and their King streaming into the small crypt.

       "North-" I tried to start again as he practically stomped over to me, his large, bare shoulders shaking in fury. He ripped me off the floor before I could speak, and started carrying me from the dark cave.

       I tried not to let the fact that he was blatantly ignoring me bother me, but it still made my stomach churn uneasily. So, I just sighed and let him drag me as he pleased. And we were finally freed of the wretched place, that was relief in itself.

       I hadn't had anymore visions from the stone, no matter how hard I clutched it or pressed it against my chest. But it would pulse abnormally every once in a while, and its warm heat surged through out my cold body.

       I glanced behind us to see Aeyron, Terif, Eildor, and Finn following closely, Mae trapped somewhere within all their muscles and skin. They were all very shirtless, and very upset. I tried to lift my arm to wave at a glowering Aeyron, but North just carried me further down the cave.

       "How did you find us?"

       He simply grunted and eased us forward. I frowned. "You are my mate, Emrie. I can find you wherever." His voice was nowhere near pleasant.

       He didn't say anything else after that, and I didn't want to risk poking at the anger I could practically feel strumming through him. He set me down gently just as the cave narrowed, and then had to turn sideways himself to walk towards the opening. It wasn't a cave meant for wolf-bornes.

       As soon as we stepped foot back into the treacherous waste-land, he had scooped me off the floor like a sack of flour. A part of me rejoiced in the fact that he was willing carrying and holding me close to him, another feared the reasoning why.

       The trip across the rough terrain and up the cliff's steps seemed a lot shorter than the first, but that was probably only because I feared the upcoming conversation with the furious man who practically carried me.

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