Chapter 40

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Sorry for any grammar and editing mistakes.

Kjære venn: Dear friend



Chapter 40

       The sudden growl sounding from the dark expanse of the trees around us sent a flash of fear down my spine. I gasped and snapped away from the large monster stalking slowly out of the forest.

       "Don't worry." Adie's voice instantly eased the terror ringing through me, his arm curling protectively around my waist and pulling me into his strong side. "I would never let anything hurt you. Besides-" He started softly and pulled away to approach the large being. "He is an old friend."

       I stood frozen, my eyes wide as I watched the wolf with fur such a dark brown it could have easily been mistaken for black approach the God of the Moon's outstretched hand. "It has been a while, kjære venn." He spoke softly to the creature, his tone that of a dear friend as he claimed the wolf to be.

       Despite his reassuring words, and the way the animal sniffed at his hand before letting Adranus softly pet his furry head, I was still uneasy. I remembered little, if nothing, from my mortal time spent on the realm, but I did know wolves were feared. Massive creatures that could kill with one swipe of their claws or snap of their fangs. It was why no one dared venture to the colder parts of the world.

       "Emerense, come." Adie urged softly, his free hand outstretched towards me as the other rested against the wolf's head. The creature was large, so much so that his head reached the middle of Adranus' chest- it was as large as I.

       I hesitated, my throat dry as I tried to swallow nervously. I trusted the god, more than anything, but the wolf looked as if he could eat me in one bite. "He will not hurt you, my dear one." Adranus urged again, that same hand reaching out for me patiently. I gulped again before taking slow, hesitant steps towards the duo.

       My hand slipped easily into his, those strong fingers curling tightly around mine and pulling me back into the safety of his side. The creature watched me the whole time, its bright eyes narrowed as the immortal pulled me towards it. Adranus took my hand, despite my hesitation, and held it out between us and the wild beast.

       It sniffed my hand, much like it had to Adie's, before lowering its head in acknowledgment. "He's letting you pet him." He murmured in my ear and nudged me closer to the wolf. I took my hand from his and, carefully, let my fingers brush along the top of the creature's furry head.

       It made a harsh noise in the back of its throat, one that made my movements still immediately, but Adranus only chuckled. "He is a little rough around the edges but means no harm." I let my touch run softly over the wolf's head, his warm fur tickling the pads of my fingers. He made another sound, but it was closer to a purr than anything else.

       A smile started to pull on my lips. "Does he have a name?" I asked Adranus as the wolf lowered its head, so I could pet down his strong neck. I didn't miss the pleased gleam in the god's eyes, or how he slowly loosened his arm from around me-but I did not mind.

       "He is a wild animal, free in the world and ruler of the Mountain. To name him would demoralize him..."

       I could hear the 'however' hanging at the end of his statement, and I turned my head just enough for those bright blue eyes to see my raised eyebrow. He shot me that half smirk he loved so much and let his own hand once again run along the creature's dark fur.

       The wolf raised his large head once again, his pointed ears stood straight to interpret all sounds around us. He stood strong and proud against the darkness of the forest, the light of the full moon reflected brightly off those unearthly golden eyes.

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