Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

       It's been almost a week since I tried to go off on my own, and I've been stuck in my large bed ever since. I wasn't feeling well at all the day after and had to sadly cancel my plans with Aeyron, and I've only been feeling worse since.

       My stomach kept grumbling. I was hungry, but every time I tried to pass food through my eager lips- my stomach would immediately reject it. I groaned and rolled over on my side, my hands pressing firmly against the pain in my abdomen.

       I hoped this sickness would pass soon.

       Two more days past, and besides some chicken broth I forced down my throat, I haven't eaten anything. But I felt too sick to care. Aeyron hand came by to check on me more than a couple of times- but he only seemed more worried with each visit.

       I had even stopped answering the door, or calling out for him to come in. My head hurt just as bad as my stomach, and moving too much made the pain throb.

       It wasn't long the next day before he knocked on my door, but like the night before I didn't answer. My head was pounding painfully, and if I tried to get up my stomach would only flip. I just wanted to sleep, but even that was painful.

       "Lady Emrie? Are you feeling any better?"

       I still didn't answer him, and I felt too sick to feel bad about it.

       "My lady?"

       He left after that, or at least I thought he did. My mind kept traveling in and out of sleep, and I had no idea how fast or slow time was passing. But it couldn't have been too long before he was back and knocking again. I still didn't answer. Maybe if he just left me alone for a few days everything would go back to normal-

       My eyes shot opened when something gruff, but surprisingly warm brushed my hair from my face, and a gasp tore from my lips. The King was standing beside the edge of my bed, his electric blue eyes shining down at me in worry. My heart slowly sped in my chest.

       "K-King..." I stuttered rather miserably and tried to ease myself up on the pillows, but my body was too heavy and sick to work properly. The last thing I wanted him to see was me sick like this. It couldn't have been a pretty sight.

       "Sh, don't move." His strong hand left my cheek to push gently on my shoulder until I was laying down once again.

       I closed my eyes against the candle light and he lit on the bedside table, and tried not to flinch as his heavy body sat slowly on the bed beside me. The action made me move painfully and I tried to hold in a groan as my stomach twisted.

       "I'm so sorry, little Emrie." His tone was so sincere and remorseful that it made my chest ache as my lips pulled into a frown.

       "It's not your f-fault." I wanted to cringe at how weak and frail my voice sounded, but it would only hurt if I did.

       "Yes, it is." I watched through heavy eyes as he leaned over and placed a cool, wet cloth across my forehead. I sighed in relief the minute it touched my hot, aching head.

       "It is a blessing when my kind find their mates, and they are hardly separated afterwards. I did not think of the repercussions from staying so far from you. I haven't had to in a very long time."

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