Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

       Aeyron let out a dark chuckle beside me. "Don't look so nervous, Lady Emrie. They won't bite."

       They were wolf-bornes, Generals at that- I was beyond positive they would bite if they needed to. But I didn't bother voicing my thoughts, I was too nervous to speak anyway. I knew none of them would hurt me. The King wouldn't allow that to happen, but the brief glance I had of the Generals from the day before was enough to terrify the whole Lower Kingdom.

       And Terif had made it perfectly clear how his kind viewed Underlings. What would they say? Were they all as blunt as the King's Delta?

       "If this is truly too much for you I will tell the King you are not feeling well." The large wolf at my side spoke softly, calmly, like he could visibly see the inner turmoil raging through me. No, they weren't all as blunt as Terif. Aeyron was very sweet, and very kind.

       "No, no I'm okay." I tried to give the male at my side a reassuring smile, but the worried frown on his lips did not ease. He took a deep breath and glanced away.

       "I have told him throwing you into our culture so soon is not a good idea, but he is convinced you will be able to handle it."

       "And you are not?" I asked softly as the General led me down the grand hall and towards the large set of marble stairs sitting beautifully at the entrance of the castle. I glanced slowly around. I hadn't been to this part of the castle yet, but it was just as beautiful as the rest of the palace.

       "I think..." He paused and licked his lips before stopping at the top of the porcelain white stairs. He turned to me with dark brown eyes glowing in the dim light. "I think you would be able to adapt to anything you wanted to, but that does not mean it won't take time." He gave me a crooked smile before stepping down onto the stairs and holding out his hand.

       I gave him a thankful smile of my own and placed my palm in his as he helped me carefully down the stairs. The deep green dress I wore was so different and lighter than my usual wardrobe, but that didn't mean it wasn't hard to walk in.

       "Sometimes it's better to be thrown into water when learning how to swim than taking hours wading in the shallows." It was an odd saying, but one the Elders and teachers of our village would use frequently. Aeyron let go of my hand at the base of the stairs and turned for the hall off to the side with a scoff.

       "And sometimes you drown."

       We stayed quiet after that, although the rest of the walk was relatively short. In all honesty, I had no idea how fast I would be able to take in their culture- or if I would at all. Everything was so different, so unique, it made me truly feel like my village was a thousand years their inferior. Or maybe that was just the confidence and authority they all seemed to radiate.

       I let out a shaky breath when Aeyron pulled to a stop in front of a large wooden door not too far from the marble stairwell, my fists shaking nervously at my side. I was officially going to meet all six of the King of the North's Generals. No shifter at the base of the mountain or Lower Kingdom would ever find themselves in this position- and live to talk about it that is.

       "This is your last chance, my lady. I can escort you back to your room if you would like." The Second in Command spoke softly, I assume so the others on the other side wouldn't hear. I gave him a grateful smile.

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