Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

       "Take them from her."

       The King's voice washed over me like a warm blanket as I blinked up at the white haze of my mind. That soft whisper made my lips want to pull into a large, ecstatic smile- but my body wouldn't let me. I was too heavy, too sleepy. A dream- He was here in a dream, smiling down at me, rubbing his strong hand gently over my hair. His blue eyes glowing like lightening.

       He was so beautiful...

       "My Lord, I do not think-"

       "This isn't up for discussion." There was a hard bite to Eirik's tone, but the face in my dream remained soft as he gazed down at me, his full lips pulled in a gentle smile. It made warmth flood my stomach.

       "Take them from her. I don't want her knowing more than she needs to just yet." His smile slowly saddened, but he leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead anyway. It made dream-me want to giggle in elated happiness.

       "I don't believe that is fair to her, North." Terif's voice was soft for once, but I couldn't see his grumpy face in my dream. It made me frown. A soft-voiced Terif was not something I wanted to miss out on.

       "It's for her protection. I care little if it is fair." A dark growl filled my ears, then dream-me blinked, and Eirik disappeared. My heart dropped painfully to my stomach. Why did he always leave? Why would he never take me with him?

       I laid staring at the white haze of my mind's eye for a few silent seconds before I felt a heavy weight lean slowly beside me. "Forgive me, Lady Emrie. This is not my choice." I wanted to frown at Terif's words, to wonder why his tone sounded so remorseful- but something cool touched my forehead and that white haze turned black before I could. My dream slowly faded away. 


       "Lady Emrie?"

       I raised my head and blinked over at the large General standing uneasily in my open doorway. I gave him a soft smile. "General, is everything alright?" His golden eyes were dark in what I would have sworn was concern, but they flashed and his face fell into that emotionless mask once again.

       "I've just come to see how you were feeling."

       My smile widened and I played gently with the end of the yellowed page as he leaned against the wooden door-frame. It had been almost a week since my little fall, and my ankle was ten times better than I would have ever expected it to be. "A lot better. Thank you, again, for caring me back to the inn." He only gave me a curt nod as he crossed his large arms over his chest and glanced around the small room.

       "The King wanted me to answer any questions you have- regarding that." He practically grumbled as he nodded towards the book under my fingertips.

       My eyes flickered back over the old, fascinating writing as I shook my head. "No, thank you. It's pretty self-explanatory."

       "Hm." Was all he muttered before leaning off the door and turning around. "That little Underling of yours wants to go back to the market, if you are feeling well enough to join her. I will be waiting downstairs" He didn't bother waiting for my answer before he walked across the hall and down the stairs.

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