Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

       "Here, try these." Aeyron mumbled around a mouth full of food and shoved even more pastries into my hands. Who would have thought the King of the North's Second in Command had such a sweet tooth?

       "Aeyron, I told you half an hour ago- I'm full. If I eat anymore my stomach will explode."

       He rolled his eyes and stuffed what looked like another cookie into his mouth. "More for me then."

       The wolf-bornes passing by, and even those in the shops, gave us funny looks- but they were more directed at me than at the mouth-filled piggy General. They could tell I wasn't one of them- that I was an Underling, as I heard someone whisper in a hushed voice before rushing off. Aeyron told me to just ignore them, but having most of an entire species attention on you was hard.

       "News of you is spreading." He spoke on a more solemn note a moment later, his brown eyes hard as he scanned the crowd around us.

       "I figured they would be suspicious of an Underling-"

       "No, it's not that. They know you are the King's mate. They're curious about you."

       They were curious about me... Well that didn't help ease the anxiety raging through me. I shuffled uneasily beside him and tried not to make it too obvious that I was cowering into his side.

       The King had to go to a meeting with the rest of his Generals and couldn't come to town with us- but he made sure Aeyron knew not to leave my side before. The serious, angered look in his bright blue gaze had frightened me. He seemed truly worried about something- like he honestly feared someone was after me.

       "Let's head back. It's getting late." Aeyron announced a moment later once all his pastries were gone. I nodded my head almost eagerly and let him take my arm to escort me up the snowy steps of the castle.

       North and I had spent the majority of the day before together, and were really only separated when he dropped me off at my room- the one just a few doors away from his. It had been so surreal I feared that it was just a dream.

       We had even ate breakfast together in the morning- just the two of us in this private little study at the end of the hall. It had been so nice and peaceful that I never wanted it to end. But Aeyron wanted to take me to the town, and the King had things to do.

       I wasn't sure what to call him anymore. Adranus was his real name, but I didn't feel comfortable calling him that. He told me just to stick with Eirik, but that didn't seem personal at all anymore. North and the King would just have to do until I figured out the mess inside my head.

       "Will you be fine getting back to you room from here? The King just sent for me- said it was important." Aeyron suddenly announced the minute we stepped through the main entrance of the castle.

        I blinked up at his brown eyes as they stared down at me in apology, and nodded. I didn't bother asking the series of questions their comments brought to my mind anymore- I only ended up even more confused. I knew what powers the King held, I'm sure conversing with his General's without being anywhere near each other was only a small part of it.

        "Thank you." He raised the back of my hand to his lips and pressed a soft, quick kiss there before letting go and turning on his heels. I let out a sigh and shook my head as he walked away. I would never get used to those wolves.

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