Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

       My star.

       Those two words plagued my mind for the rest of the day, and even the day after. What did they mean? Was it a term of endearment for one of his past affairs? Had he been calling out for her in his time of need? The thought made pain shoot through my heart- but even then, I wasn't sure. It just didn't feel right.

       No, I didn't think the name belonged to a past lover. Then why would he say it was his star? It wasn't until I sat on my now sheet-less bed with his letter clutched in my hands as I watched a few servants gather my meager amount of belongings- that Aeyron put my heart at ease.

       "Why do you look so sad, my lady?" He asked casually from the entrance of the room, his brown eyes curious as his thick arms crossed over his chest. The King was still sleeping, even though it was mid-day, but it's not like I had expected to see him much anyways.

       "Who is Emerense?"

       Unease filled my stomach as I watched the General stiffen, his whole body turning tense as his dark eyes flashed. "It is best that you forget that name." That wasn't much of an answer, and it only made me frown.

       "Why? What's so wrong with it?" His hesitancy towards the subject only made my curiosity grow. He glanced away briefly and licked his lips before letting those brown eyes flicker back to mine.

       "Names have power, some more than others."

       My frown only grew. That still didn't answer my question, but he cut me off before I could open my mouth to ask again. "It is an ancient name that belongs to one of immense strength. The King calls on it when he needs his power- but it should only be spoken from his lips. Try not to say it anymore."

       His answer only made a thousand more questions swim into my head, but I knew by the look on his face that he wasn't going to answer anymore. Who needed a name to summon power?

       "Come, my lady. This room will be vacant soon and I'm sure you're hungry."

       I wasn't, not really- but that easygoing, happy smile was pulling at Aeyron's lips once again and I didn't want to tell him no. "Alright." I said on a quiet sigh and let him grab my hand to help me off the edge of the bed.

       "You will like your new room." He chirped happily as his strong arm wrapped around mine and escorted me down the hall- a hall I probably wasn't going to see again anytime soon. "It's in the King's private wing, and has a beautiful view of the grounds-"

       "I can take over from here, Aeyron."

       I jumped in surprise as the King's voice suddenly sounded in the hall around us. The servants that had been scurrying by instantly stopped and bowed to their King, before a single nod from him let them be on their way. I blinked widened eyes up at him.

       Much like the very first time I ever saw him, he was dressed in complete black. All that was missing was the thick black cloak. My heart fluttered nervously inside my chest. His lightning blue gaze was locked on my, his jaw hard as he came to a stop in front of us.

       Aeyron let go of my arm and bowed. "Of course. I will see you in the dining hall." And then he left, just like that- left me alone with the very male who had made my last three moons an emotional nightmare.

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