Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

       I went to his chambers first, only to find the room still destroyed and vacant. It was as if no one bothered to enter in the few weeks I had been avoiding the place. I bit my lip as my gaze washed over the debris and rubble. The gold-power was far stronger than I could have ever imagined.

       I knew he was in the wing somewhere, I could feel that much. I quietly walked back into the hall, closing the heavy wooden door behind me. I would clean the room later. My fingertips ran softly across the stone wall of the hall as I walked slowly towards the back staircase, the one I refused to use since Aeyron first led me up them.

       The door to my room was closed, that feeling in my chest pulling me towards it. He was still staying there. I knocked gently against the hard wood, but he did not answer. I frowned and leaned back to look out the large window running along the ceiling. The sky was dark, no moon or star in sight. My conversation with Terif had gone on longer than I thought.

       I eased the door open just enough to cast a quick glance around. The room was nearly pitch black, no light entering from the windows, no candles lit to hold off the darkness. The only part I could see was revealed by the light filtering in from the hall.

       I opened the door a little further, flooding the room with as much light as possible. That pull in my chest was dragging me towards the large bed centered at the other end of the room. I debated leaving the door opened.

       I knew the room like the back of my hand and didn't need the light, but there was just something about not being able to see at all with him there that pulled at my stomach. It wasn't an altogether uncomfortable feeling.

       I closed the door slowly behind me. My breath leaving my lips in an icy chill. The room was cold, the fireplace left abandoned on the opposite side of the room. I walked slowly towards the bed, completely aware of the large presence laying on its other side.

       I stopped on the right, hands ringing together nervously. I could just barely make out his figure in the darkness of the room, the shape of him unmoving although his deep, heavy, breathing soothed the ache in my chest.

       I wore a thick, wool, dark green dress built for the winter weather of the north, not for sleeping. I was expecting for us to talk that night, not to find him in a dead sleep. I could have gone back to the room I was currently occupying, slip into my night dress and go to sleep—alone.

       But I hadn't seen him in a fortnight, and he was so close. I let out a soft sigh and kicked the silk slippers from my feet. I doubted he would be mad if I slept beside him, and I was tired of the restless nights spent suffering from his absence.

       I carefully eased under the thick covers, trying to move as little as possible. I did not want to wake him. I immediately wanted to huff once I pulled the covers to my chin and rested my head against the cool pillow.

       It was hot. The thick fabric of the dress, multitude of covers, and the very large, very warm, male body sleeping a few feet away from me caused heat to radiate throughout the entire bed.

      I pushed the blankets down to my waist and breathed in the cool air. I could never sleep in the heat, but he was beside me for the first time in weeks and I refused to leave. I let out a deep breath and closed my eyes. Despite the heat caging around me, I felt calm for the first time in eons. I only needed him.

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