Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

       "Would you like to hear the story?"

       His bright eyes flashed in amusement as I nodded quickly. I loved learning about his kind's culture and customs, and I wouldn't mind listening to that heart lulling voice for ages.

       "This tale is not in the book I had Terif give you. Some of the smaller details were, but the majority of the story is saved for parents to pass down to their children."

       I could only sit silently and nod as I watched his beautiful mouth move with each word that passed his lips. "Adranus is the basis of our existence, but long ago- long before any wolf-born or shifter inhabited the world, he ruled the Night from his place high in the Heavens."

       "He would often visit the mortal realm to run with the animals of his domain, but he would always have to travel back to the moon before the sun rose the next day. He lived this way for thousands of years, shining the moon's light down on the world."

       Eirik paused, his lightening blue eyes flickering to mine. He licked his full bottom before giving me a slow arriving smile. "But those animals were little comfort. The more years that passed, the more Adranus realized the constant ache in his chest- was loneliness."

       His smile soon fell and turned sad as he reached up to twirl a strand of my hair around his strong fingers. My heart skipped at the action.

       "Sure, there were other Gods, even a few Goddesses who he spoke to and dined with, but none of them were ever enough to fill that empty hole inside his heart. So, he would sit in his palace on the moon and gaze down in sorrow at the world below him. What did they have that he didn't?"

       I frowned at the look that passed over his bright eyes, that sad, lonely look- like he knew and felt the exact same pain Adranus had over and over again. I wanted to take that look away, take away the pain that I was almost sure he was hiding in his chest.

       Terif said he was old, but how long has he truly been alone? He trusted his General's with his life, that was obvious, but did he ever consider them friends? Was I the only person that has ever seen any warm, or kind side to him? But event that side was short lived. He continued speaking despite my inner ramble, and I forced myself to focus on the words.

       "Then, one day, the pure, perfect soul of a girl who died before her time, was reborn into a star. A star just outside his spot on the moon." My heart stopped beating as he reached up and tucked my hair behind my ear.

       "He was fascinated by the glowing soul, disabled by her beauty. He would sit just outside of his palace and watch her shine all night long, and then stay there during the day until she returned once the darkness fell again. He was infatuated by her. For the first time in centuries, he had felt something more than just an empty loneliness."

       He paused again, his blue eyes shining as his large hand reached up and brushed softly along my cheek. It took all I had in me not to press his palm to my face and bury my head there forever. His smile made butterflies erupt in my stomach.

       I remained silent.

       "All stars are pure, innocent, souls reborn- but they would all talk and laugh with the others residing in the Heavens whenever they chose. But not the one that peaked his attention. Oh no, she was quiet. She kept to herself. Occasionally she would laugh at something another had said, or would glance shyly over where the God of the Night resided- but other than that, she stayed silent."

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